O crime de tortura na legislação brasileira: lei nº 9.455/1997
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Clemente, Ana Beatriz Santos
Moreira Filho, Guaracy
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Tendo em vista a problematica envolvendo o crime de tortura, o presente trabalho possui como
objetivo principal o estudo da definição e tipificação dos crimes de tortura contida na Lei nº
9.455 de 7 de abril de 1997, a fim de entender e diferenciar os tipos de tortura previstos. Para
tanto, necessário se fez o estudo mais detalhado desse objeto, analisando as questões que
culminaram na criação da referida lei, atráves do contexto histórico, bem como pretende-se
realizar nesta pesquisa uma análise da tutela jurídica contra a tortura, por meio da exploração
na doutrina e jurisprudencia, a fim de demonstrar toda sua evolução até o momento.
In view of the problem involving the crime of torture, the present work has as main objective the study of the definition and typification of crimes of torture contained in Law No. 9,455 of April 7, 1997, in order to understand and differentiate the types of foreseen torture. To this end, it was necessary to carry out a more detailed study of this object, analyzing the issues that culminated in the creation of that law, through the historical context, as well as the intention of carrying out in this research an analysis of the legal protection against torture, through exploitation in the doctrine and jurisprudence, in order to but it demonstrates all its evolution until the moment.
In view of the problem involving the crime of torture, the present work has as main objective the study of the definition and typification of crimes of torture contained in Law No. 9,455 of April 7, 1997, in order to understand and differentiate the types of foreseen torture. To this end, it was necessary to carry out a more detailed study of this object, analyzing the issues that culminated in the creation of that law, through the historical context, as well as the intention of carrying out in this research an analysis of the legal protection against torture, through exploitation in the doctrine and jurisprudence, in order to but it demonstrates all its evolution until the moment.
tortura , lei nº 9.455/97 , direito penal , legislação penal especial , torture , law n. 9,455/97 , criminal law , special criminal legislation