Estudo comparativo entre teatro e cinema em transposição: Romeu e Julieta, de William Shakespeare, e West Side Story, de Jerome Robbins e Robert Wise
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Bezerra, Isly Ferraz
Corrêa, Lilian Cristina
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O presente estudo comparativo visa analisar a tragédia Romeu e Julieta (1597), do dramaturgo William Shakespeare, em paralelo com a sua adaptação cinematográfica, no gênero musical, West Side Story (1961), ou Amor Sublime Amor (em português), dirigida por Jerome Robbins e Robert Wise. Assim, foram colocadas em evidência as temáticas recorrentes nas duas obras, bem como os elementos técnicos envolvidos na transposição intermidiática. O principal propósito para tal análise consiste em observar quais fatores e recursos adaptativos atuaram nesse fenômeno, no que diz respeito às mudanças propostas para o encaixe no contexto pretendido, a fim de notar a afinidade e proximidade do leitor e do espectador com as composições estudadas. Sob este prisma, fica clara a relevância e presença do resgate das características da peça trágica de Shakespeare na obra cinematográfica e a contemporaneidade de princípios expostos em ambos os objetos de análise para a sociedade do contexto em questão.
The current comparative study aims to analyze the tragedy Romeo and Juliet (1597), by playwright William Shakespeare, in parallel with its cinematographic adaptation, in the musical genre, West Side Story (1961), directed by Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise. Thus, the recurring themes in both works were highlighted, as well as the technical elements involved in the intermedial transposition. The main purpose of this analysis is to observe which adaptive factors and resources acted in this phenomenon, regarding the proposed changes to fit the intended context, in order to remark the affinity and proximity of the reader and spectator with the studied compositions. To this extent, it is clear the relevance and presence of the redemption of the characteristics of Shakespeare's tragic play in the cinematographic piece and the contemporaneity of principles exposed in both objects of analysis for the society of the referred background.
The current comparative study aims to analyze the tragedy Romeo and Juliet (1597), by playwright William Shakespeare, in parallel with its cinematographic adaptation, in the musical genre, West Side Story (1961), directed by Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise. Thus, the recurring themes in both works were highlighted, as well as the technical elements involved in the intermedial transposition. The main purpose of this analysis is to observe which adaptive factors and resources acted in this phenomenon, regarding the proposed changes to fit the intended context, in order to remark the affinity and proximity of the reader and spectator with the studied compositions. To this extent, it is clear the relevance and presence of the redemption of the characteristics of Shakespeare's tragic play in the cinematographic piece and the contemporaneity of principles exposed in both objects of analysis for the society of the referred background.
Romeu e Julieta , Shakespeare , West Side Story , adaptação , transposição intermidiática , Romeo and Juliet , adaptation , intermedial transposition