A renitência inquisitorial no sistema processual penal brasileiro
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Santos, Ligia Calixto dos
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o impacto do artigo 3ºA, do Código de Processo Penal, que foi inserido pela Lei 13.964/19, que por sua vez ao entrar em vigência no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro trouxe modificações nos Códigos de Processo Penal e Código Penal. Dentre tantas alterações, houve a disposição sobre a estrutura do Processo Penal, que o artigo objeto do nosso estudo traz no seguinte texto: “O processo penal terá estrutura acusatória, vedadas a iniciativa do juiz na fase de investigação e a substituição da atuação probatória do órgão de acusação”. Porém, não foram expressamente revogados pela lei os artigos que violam tal disposição, surgindo o debate de revogação tácita e futuros recursos especiais (como veremos, a eficácia ainda está suspensa). Dessa forma, além de analisar o impacto do artigo 3ºA, analisaremos os artigos que deveriam ser considerados tacitamente revogados.
This work aims to analyze the impact of article 3-A, which was inserted by Law 13.964/19, which in turn allows the Brazilian to enter into a project in the procedural legal system thought of in the Criminal Procedure Codes and Penal Code. Among many changes, there was the provision on the structure of the criminal procedure, which the article of our study brings the following text: "The criminal procedure will have an accusatory structure, prohibited the initiative of the judge in the investigation phase and the substitution of the evidentiary performance of the body of indictment”. However, articles that violate this provision were not expressly revoked by law, giving rise to the debate of tacit revocation and future special resources (as we will see, a solution is still on hold). Thus, in addition to analyzing the impact of the 3ºA, we analyze the articles that the article was thought of, considered tacitly.
This work aims to analyze the impact of article 3-A, which was inserted by Law 13.964/19, which in turn allows the Brazilian to enter into a project in the procedural legal system thought of in the Criminal Procedure Codes and Penal Code. Among many changes, there was the provision on the structure of the criminal procedure, which the article of our study brings the following text: "The criminal procedure will have an accusatory structure, prohibited the initiative of the judge in the investigation phase and the substitution of the evidentiary performance of the body of indictment”. However, articles that violate this provision were not expressly revoked by law, giving rise to the debate of tacit revocation and future special resources (as we will see, a solution is still on hold). Thus, in addition to analyzing the impact of the 3ºA, we analyze the articles that the article was thought of, considered tacitly.
processo penal , sistema acusatório , sistema inquisitório , criminal procedure , accusatory system , inquisitorial system