A responsabilidade civil nos casos de violência obstétrica
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Oliveira, Fernanda Larissa de
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de
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A violência obstétrica caracteriza-se como uma violência de gênero, onde são
praticadas ações ou omissões que causam danos a mulher, sendo alguma delas a episiotomia,
manobra de Kristeller, entre outras que serão analisadas no presente artigo. Tal ato é praticado
por profissionais da saúde e hospitais, sendo que tal ato pode ser praticado em todas as etapas
da gravidez, parto, pós-parto e aborto. Para melhor entendimento o presente trabalho foi divido
em duas partes, a primeira trata-se do conceito da violência obstétrica, suas condutas e seus
agentes. Abordando também sobre alguns princípios da bioética e legislação. A segunda parte
trata-se da responsabilidade civil, seu conceito, jurisprudência, e a efetiva reparação do dano.
O objetivo principal do artigo é a propagação da informação, apresentando as possíveis formas
de violência obstétrica e como tal ato gera a responsabilidade civil para que o ofensor repare os
danos causados, enfatizando suas possíveis sanções e demonstrando que o direito da mulher
deve ser reconhecido e possuir uma pauta ainda maior.
Obstetric violence is characterized as gender violence, where actions or omissions that cause damage to women are practiced, some of which are episiotomy, Kristeller's maneuver, among others that will be analyzed in this article. Such an act is practiced by health professionals and hospitals, and such an act can be practiced at all stages of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and abortion. For a better understanding, the present work was divided into two parts, the first one is about the concept of obstetric violence, its behaviors and its agents. Also addressing some principles of bioethics and legislation. The second part deals with civil liability, its concept, jurisprudence, and the effective repair of the damage. The main objective of the article is to spread information, presenting the possible forms of obstetric violence and how such an act generates civil liability for the offender to repair the damage caused, emphasizing its possible sanctions and demonstrating that the right of women must be recognized and possess. an even bigger agenda.
Obstetric violence is characterized as gender violence, where actions or omissions that cause damage to women are practiced, some of which are episiotomy, Kristeller's maneuver, among others that will be analyzed in this article. Such an act is practiced by health professionals and hospitals, and such an act can be practiced at all stages of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and abortion. For a better understanding, the present work was divided into two parts, the first one is about the concept of obstetric violence, its behaviors and its agents. Also addressing some principles of bioethics and legislation. The second part deals with civil liability, its concept, jurisprudence, and the effective repair of the damage. The main objective of the article is to spread information, presenting the possible forms of obstetric violence and how such an act generates civil liability for the offender to repair the damage caused, emphasizing its possible sanctions and demonstrating that the right of women must be recognized and possess. an even bigger agenda.
responsabilidade civil , violência obstétrica , indenização , parturiente , civil liability , obstetric violence , indemnity , parturient