Análise sobre a concorrência do cônjuge supérstite no regime de comunhão parcial de bens
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Nielsen, Sofia
Trubilhano, Fabio Souza
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo a discussão a respeito de duas polêmicas
envolvendo o Direito das Sucessões, quais sejam, a adoção de um regime sucessório
específico para os conviventes e a divergência de interpretações dadas ao artigo 1.829,
inciso I, do Código Civil, quanto à sucessão do cônjuge casado sob o regime de comunhão
parcial de bens. Para isso, analisou-se as correntes doutrinárias e a orientação
jurisprudencial sobre o tema. Ao final, propõe-se alternativas possíveis para fazer
prevalecer a autonomia das partes manifestada em vida.
This article has the scope to discuss two controversies involving Succession Law, namely, the adoption of a specific matrimonial regime for partners living in a steady union and the divergence of interpretations given to article 1.829, I, of the Brazilian Civil Code, regarding the succession of the spouse married under the regime of partial community property. For this purpose, opinion of jurists and court precedents on the theme were analyzed. At the end, possible alternatives are proposed to make prevail the autonomy of will manifested in life.
This article has the scope to discuss two controversies involving Succession Law, namely, the adoption of a specific matrimonial regime for partners living in a steady union and the divergence of interpretations given to article 1.829, I, of the Brazilian Civil Code, regarding the succession of the spouse married under the regime of partial community property. For this purpose, opinion of jurists and court precedents on the theme were analyzed. At the end, possible alternatives are proposed to make prevail the autonomy of will manifested in life.
direito das sucessões , regime de bens , meação , herança , succession law , matrimonial regime , marital portion , inheritance regime of partial community property