As responsabilidades pelos danos ambientais causados pelo rompimento das barragens de minerações nas cidades de Mariana e Brumadinho
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Oshiro, Fábio Yuki
Pires, Lilian Regina Gabriel Moreira
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O presente trabalho tem por temática apontar os danos ambientais causados pelos rompimentos de barragens e as responsabilidades que cabem as mineradoras sediadas em Mariana e Brumadinho, de acordo com as diretrizes do Direito Ambiental, previsto na Constituição Federal de 1988. Além de ter por objetivo, defender que os mecanismos adotados pelos responsáveis não foram suficientes para suprir a demanda como um todo, bem como expandir o assunto Direito Ambiental no que diz respeito aos artigos relevantes ao meio ambiente, consagrados na Carta Magna. Analisa-se através de uma metodologia bibliográfica, um conceito histórico ambiental e as características ambientais de cada tema exposto, de acordo com a doutrina e a jurisprudência aplicada no direito ambiental. Através do estudo do princípio do desenvolvimento sustentável, os danos causados em Mariana e Brumadinho, as responsabilidades e o tratamento a reparação, concluindo com as responsabilidades penais causados pelos danos ambientais.
The present work has as its theme to point out the environmental damages caused by the rupture of dams and the responsibilities that the mining companies based in Mariana and Brumadinho have, according to the guidelines of Environmental Law, foreseen in the Federal Constitution of 1988. In addition to having as objective, to defend that the mechanisms adopted by those responsible were not enough to supply the demand as a whole, as well as to expand the subject of Environmental Law with regard to articles relevant to the environment, enshrined in the Magna Carta. It is analyzed through a bibliographic methodology, a historical environmental concept and the environmental characteristics of each exposed theme, according to the doctrine and jurisprudence applied in environmental law. Through the study of the principle of sustainable development, the damages caused in Mariana and Brumadinho, the responsibilities and the repair treatment, concluding with the criminal responsibilities caused by the environmental damages.
The present work has as its theme to point out the environmental damages caused by the rupture of dams and the responsibilities that the mining companies based in Mariana and Brumadinho have, according to the guidelines of Environmental Law, foreseen in the Federal Constitution of 1988. In addition to having as objective, to defend that the mechanisms adopted by those responsible were not enough to supply the demand as a whole, as well as to expand the subject of Environmental Law with regard to articles relevant to the environment, enshrined in the Magna Carta. It is analyzed through a bibliographic methodology, a historical environmental concept and the environmental characteristics of each exposed theme, according to the doctrine and jurisprudence applied in environmental law. Through the study of the principle of sustainable development, the damages caused in Mariana and Brumadinho, the responsibilities and the repair treatment, concluding with the criminal responsibilities caused by the environmental damages.
direito ambiental , rompimento de barragens , danos causados em Mariana e brumadinho , environmental law , bursting of dams , damage caused in Mariana and brumadinho