A prova no processo administrativo tributário federal
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Claudino, Amanda da Silva
Fiorin, Rangel Perrucci
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Membros da banca
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a relevância das provas para a constituição do fato
jurídico tributário no processo administrativo fiscal, assim como os limites para sua
apresentação e o ônus de sua produção. Parte-se da premissa que o Direito é linguagem,
linguagem das normas gerais e abstratas e das normas individuais e concretas, de modo que só
será de seu conhecimento aquilo que for vertido em linguagem competente.
O foco é demonstrar a extrema importância das provas na pretensão fiscal, de modo a destacar
a sua imprescindibilidade para a sustentação do fato jurídico que gera a relação obrigacional.
Ainda, evidenciar a importância dos fatos jurídicos serem constituídos somente se embasados
em provas admitidas em direito, com o propósito de preservar os direitos e garantias
fundamentais do contribuinte. Por fim, a teoria da prova no Direito Tributário visa ressalatar a
necessidade de obediência aos princípios constitucionais para legitimar o processo e a
produção de prova.
The objective of this work is to investigate the relevance of evidence for the constitution of the tax legal fact in the tax administrative process, as well as the limits for its presentation and the burden of its production.We start from the premise that law is language, language of general and abstract norms and of individual and concrete norms, and will only be part of your knowledge that which is converted into competent language.The focus is to demonstrate the extreme importance of evidence in the tax claim, in order to highlight its imprescindibility to support the legal fact that generates the bond relationship.Furthermore, to highlight the importance of legal facts being constituted only if based on evidence admitted in law, with the purpose of preserving the fundamental rights and guarantees of the taxpayer. Finally, the theory of proof in tax law aims to highlight the need to obey constitutional principles to legitimize the process and the production of proof.
The objective of this work is to investigate the relevance of evidence for the constitution of the tax legal fact in the tax administrative process, as well as the limits for its presentation and the burden of its production.We start from the premise that law is language, language of general and abstract norms and of individual and concrete norms, and will only be part of your knowledge that which is converted into competent language.The focus is to demonstrate the extreme importance of evidence in the tax claim, in order to highlight its imprescindibility to support the legal fact that generates the bond relationship.Furthermore, to highlight the importance of legal facts being constituted only if based on evidence admitted in law, with the purpose of preserving the fundamental rights and guarantees of the taxpayer. Finally, the theory of proof in tax law aims to highlight the need to obey constitutional principles to legitimize the process and the production of proof.
provas , processo administrativo tributário , princípios , lançamento tributário , evidence , tax administrative process , principles , tax release