Responsabilidade civil perante erros causados por sistemas de inteligência artificial
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Ratti, Helena Soares
Cavalcanti, Ana Elizabeth Lapa Wanderley
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Com a disseminação cada vez maior da inteligência artificial (IA), surgem desafios
complexos relacionados à responsabilidade civil diante de erros causados por sistemas
automatizados. Este estudo propõe uma análise minuciosa das implicações legais e éticas desse
cenário, adentrando nos dilemas que permeiam a regulação dessas novas tecnologias. Um dos
aspectos fundamentais abordados é a distinção entre os tipos de responsabilidade civil, objetiva
e subjetiva. Enquanto a responsabilidade subjetiva tradicionalmente requer a comprovação de
culpa por parte do agente, a objetiva dispensa essa demonstração, baseando-se apenas na
comprovação do dano e do nexo de causalidade. A compreensão desses diferentes enfoques é
crucial para a formulação de políticas públicas e práticas jurídicas mais eficazes e adaptadas à
realidade da IA. A metodologia deste estudo será conduzida de forma hipotético-dedutiva,
analisando a princípio a IA e posteriormente a responsabilidade civil, investigando suas
correlações. Consiste em realizar um levantamento bibliográfico abrangente, com foco na
análise da doutrina, jurisprudência e legislação, visando investigar a possibilidade e aplicação
da responsabilidade civil em casos de danos provocados por sistemas de inteligência artificial.
With the increasing proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), complex challenges arise regarding civil liability in the face of errors caused by automated systems. This study proposes a meticulous analysis of the legal and ethical implications of this scenario, delving into the dilemmas that permeate the regulation of these new technologies. One of the fundamental aspects addressed is the distinction between types of civil liability, objective, and subjective. While subjective liability traditionally requires proof of fault on the part of the agent, objective liability dispenses with this demonstration, relying only on proof of damage and causation nexus. Understanding these different approaches is crucial for formulating more effective public policies and legal practices tailored to the reality of AI. The methodology of this study will be conducted in a hypothetical-deductive manner, initially analyzing AI and subsequently civil liability, investigating their correlations. It consists of conducting a comprehensive literature review, focusing on the analysis of doctrine, jurisprudence, and legislation, aiming to investigate the possibility and application of civil liability in cases of damages caused by AI systems.
With the increasing proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), complex challenges arise regarding civil liability in the face of errors caused by automated systems. This study proposes a meticulous analysis of the legal and ethical implications of this scenario, delving into the dilemmas that permeate the regulation of these new technologies. One of the fundamental aspects addressed is the distinction between types of civil liability, objective, and subjective. While subjective liability traditionally requires proof of fault on the part of the agent, objective liability dispenses with this demonstration, relying only on proof of damage and causation nexus. Understanding these different approaches is crucial for formulating more effective public policies and legal practices tailored to the reality of AI. The methodology of this study will be conducted in a hypothetical-deductive manner, initially analyzing AI and subsequently civil liability, investigating their correlations. It consists of conducting a comprehensive literature review, focusing on the analysis of doctrine, jurisprudence, and legislation, aiming to investigate the possibility and application of civil liability in cases of damages caused by AI systems.
inteligência artificial , responsabilidade civil , erros , ética , Artificial Intelligence , civil liability , errors , ethics