A guarda compartilhada (custeio e custódia) de animais domésticos a partir da reflexão sobre a natureza jurídica dos animais
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Oliveira, Kemmilyn Vitória de
Lima, Alexandre Aparecido de
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O objetivo deste estudo é compreender o funcionamento da guarda compartilhada (custeio e
custódia) dos animais domésticos diante do questionamento sobre a natureza jurídica deles e
identificar se o regime de guarda deve seguir analogias ao instituto da guarda dos filhos no
Direito de Família nacional ou ser tratado de forma diferente. Para isso, foi empregada uma
metodologia de pesquisa com natureza básica, em que a abordagem do problema ocorre de
modo quanti-qualitativa e revisão sistemática da literatura, com objetivo exploratório e método
dedutivo, utilizando-se de jurisprudências devido à falta de legislação acerca do assunto, bem
como um estudo de Projetos Legislativos e o direito comparado e material bibliográfico. Com
base em nossa pesquisa, conclui-se que é possível aplicar a guarda dos animais de estimação de
forma semelhante à guarda dos filhos em casos litigiosos de separação, de modo que os animais
devem ser considerados como seres senciente, sujeitos de direito, ainda que haja opiniões
contrárias que compreenda os animais como propriedade a ser dividida.
The aim of this study is to understand the functioning of shared custody (costs and custody) of domestic animals in the face of questioning about their legal nature and to identify whether the custody regime should follow analogies to the institute of child custody in national Family Law or be treated differently. For this purpose, a research methodology with a basic nature was employed, in which the problem approach occurs in a quantitative-qualitative manner and systematic literature review, with an exploratory objective and deductive method, using case law due to the lack of legislation on the subject, as well as a study of Legislative Projects and comparative law and bibliographic material. Based on our research, it is concluded that it is possible to apply custody of pets similarly to child custody in litigious separation cases, so that animals should be considered sentient beings, subjects of law, even though there are opposing opinions that understand animals as property to be divided.
The aim of this study is to understand the functioning of shared custody (costs and custody) of domestic animals in the face of questioning about their legal nature and to identify whether the custody regime should follow analogies to the institute of child custody in national Family Law or be treated differently. For this purpose, a research methodology with a basic nature was employed, in which the problem approach occurs in a quantitative-qualitative manner and systematic literature review, with an exploratory objective and deductive method, using case law due to the lack of legislation on the subject, as well as a study of Legislative Projects and comparative law and bibliographic material. Based on our research, it is concluded that it is possible to apply custody of pets similarly to child custody in litigious separation cases, so that animals should be considered sentient beings, subjects of law, even though there are opposing opinions that understand animals as property to be divided.
guarda , animais de estimação , separação , custeio , custódia , custody , pets , separation , costs