A relação do imposto sobre a Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação (ITCMD) com a desigualdade social no cenário brasileiro
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Galegale Neto, Salvador
Carvalho, André Norberto Carbone de
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O ser humano possui a tendência natural de acumular uma riqueza mínima que possa
assegurar o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida de seus herdeiros por meio do instituto da
herança. Entretanto, a transmissão de bens entre gerações por meio da herança é um dos
fatores que mantem os níveis de desigualdade social, pois não leva em consideração a
meritocracia de cada um. Segundo Aristóteles, a distribuição das riquezas por meio da justiça
distributiva contribui para que o indivíduo alcance o seu melhor em uma sociedade. Além
disso, a desigualdade social faz nascer outros problemas como segurança pública, saúde e
educação. No ordenamento jurídico pátrio, os princípios da função social da propriedade e da
capacidade contributiva embasam a tributação da herança por meio do Imposto sobre a
Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação (ITCMD) como instrumento social para reduzir os
níveis de desigualdade social. Por meio do indicador social do IBGE denominado Índice de
Gini é possível mensurar o nível de desigualdade social existente em uma determinada região.
Desse modo, a presente monografia compara as leis estaduais do ITCMD com o Índice de
Gini em cada um dos 26 Estados e Distrito Federal para avaliar a sua relação. Chegou-se à
conclusão de que os Estados e DF com um nível menor de desigualdade social possuem
alíquotas de ITCMD mais elevadas e mais progressivas, além de hipóteses de isenção e não
incidência do imposto para os menos privilegiados economicamente.
Human beings have a natural tendency to accumulate minimal wealth that can ensure the welfare and quality of life of their heirs through the institute of inheritance. However, the transmission of goods between generations through inheritance is one of the factors that maintain the levels of social inequality, as it does not take into account the meritocracy of each one. According to Aristóteles, the distribution of wealth through distributive justice contributes to the individual achieving his best in a society. In addition, social inequality gives rise to other problems in public safety, health and education. In the homeland legal system, the principles of the contributory capacity and of social function of property underlie inheritance taxation through the Transmission Tax Cause Mortis and Donation (ITCMD) as a social instrument to reduce levels of social inequality. Through the IBGE social indicator called the Gini Index, it is possible to measure the level of social inequality in a given region. Thus, this study compares ITCMD state laws with the Gini Index in each of the 26 states and the Federal District to assess their relationship. It has been found that states and DFs with a lower level of social inequality have higher and more progressive ITCMD rates, as well as exemptions and non-levy for the economically disadvantaged.
Human beings have a natural tendency to accumulate minimal wealth that can ensure the welfare and quality of life of their heirs through the institute of inheritance. However, the transmission of goods between generations through inheritance is one of the factors that maintain the levels of social inequality, as it does not take into account the meritocracy of each one. According to Aristóteles, the distribution of wealth through distributive justice contributes to the individual achieving his best in a society. In addition, social inequality gives rise to other problems in public safety, health and education. In the homeland legal system, the principles of the contributory capacity and of social function of property underlie inheritance taxation through the Transmission Tax Cause Mortis and Donation (ITCMD) as a social instrument to reduce levels of social inequality. Through the IBGE social indicator called the Gini Index, it is possible to measure the level of social inequality in a given region. Thus, this study compares ITCMD state laws with the Gini Index in each of the 26 states and the Federal District to assess their relationship. It has been found that states and DFs with a lower level of social inequality have higher and more progressive ITCMD rates, as well as exemptions and non-levy for the economically disadvantaged.
ITCMD , social inequality , gini index , contributory capacity , social function of property , desigualdade social , índice de gini , capacidade contributiva , função social da propriedade