A natureza do MOU e a responsabilidade decorrente da ruptura das negociações após a sua celebração
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Januario, Amanda Caroline
Corrêa, Márcia Maria de Barros
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Membros da banca
O presente estudo objetiva a compreensão da natureza jurídica e os efeitos do Memorando de
Entendimentos ou Memorandum of Understandings (MoU), documento utilizado em
determinadas tratativas com o objetivo de estruturar as negociações e consignar pontos
consensuais firmados pelas partes até o momento de sua assinatura. Apesar de estar inserido
em momento anterior à celebração de um contrato definitivo, esse documento possui natureza
meramente negocial, não podendo ser conceituado como um contrato preliminar, inexistindo,
por conseguinte, possibilidade de ser imposta a consumação do contrato definitivo tão somente
com lastro neste instrumento. No entanto, a despeito do caráter não vinculante, a assinatura do
MoU gera a obrigação de observação de deveres laterais, como, v.g., a observância da boa-fé
nas tratativas negociais, de modo que se qualquer uma das partes imbuir a outra da expectativa
de que seja celebrado o contrato definitivo e, posteriormente, romper a negociação de forma
injustificada, poderá ser compelida a indenizá-la pelos danos incorridos em razão deste
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the legal nature and the legal effects of the execution of a Memorandum of Understandings (MoU), document usually used in some negotiations to define its scope and outline terms and details of a mutual understanding. Due to that, it is possible to infer that, despite the fact that this document appears prior to the definitive contract conclusion, its cannot be considered a preliminary contract itself, therefore, the definitive contract conclusion cannot be required on the grounds that this document was executed. However, despite of the non-binding effect of this document, the parties still are obligated to observe some duties as the duty to act in good faith during the negotiations. Due to that, if either of the negotiating parties imbues an expectation that the definitive contract will be concluded and, subsequently, break the deal without a just motive, it can be compelled to pay material and moral damages to the counterparty.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the legal nature and the legal effects of the execution of a Memorandum of Understandings (MoU), document usually used in some negotiations to define its scope and outline terms and details of a mutual understanding. Due to that, it is possible to infer that, despite the fact that this document appears prior to the definitive contract conclusion, its cannot be considered a preliminary contract itself, therefore, the definitive contract conclusion cannot be required on the grounds that this document was executed. However, despite of the non-binding effect of this document, the parties still are obligated to observe some duties as the duty to act in good faith during the negotiations. Due to that, if either of the negotiating parties imbues an expectation that the definitive contract will be concluded and, subsequently, break the deal without a just motive, it can be compelled to pay material and moral damages to the counterparty.
memorando de entendimentos , MoU , contrato preliminar , documento negocial , memorandum of understandings , preliminary contract , negotiation document , break the deal