A criação de NFTs como nova forma de violação de direitos autorais de artes digitais
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Belem, Andre Luis Lopes de Oliveira
Sgrignolli, Ruth Carolina Rodrigues
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Este estudo de cunho descritivo e caráter exploratório trata-se de um trabalho de conclusão de curso que busca analisar o impacto da tecnologia emergente dos Non fungible tokens (NFTs) sobre o ramo de propriedade intelectual e o Direito Autoral, com ênfase na arte digital. Foram realizadas pesquisas doutrinárias e acadêmicas além de um levantamento de figuras que expõem de maneira mais clara alguns pormenores técnicos da criação e venda de NFTs. O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro teve a inclusão da Lei de Direitos Autorais, versando a respeito da figura e natureza do autor, da obra e os direitos entrelaçados às criações autorais. Nela, torna-se claro que a arte virtual também deve ser considerada uma obra, nos termos legais, e, portanto, deve ser protegida pelas disposições deste mesmo texto legal. O fenômeno dos NFTs, no entanto, apresenta um novo risco e desafio à proteção da propriedade intelectual, vez que seu mercado - ainda pouco versado e, principalmente, pouco regulado - tem demonstrado um crescimento nas práticas de plágio e de reproduções indevidas de obras de arte no processo de criação destes novos bens virtuais.
This study of descriptive and exploratory character is an undergraduate thesis that aims to analyze the emerging impact of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the field of intellectual property and of Copyright, with an emphasis on digital art. Clear doctrinal and academic research was carried out, in addition to a handful of illustrative figures that expose, in a succinct manner, some technical aspects of the creation and sale of NFTs. The Brazilian legal system had the inclusion of the Copyright Law, which deals with the subjects of the legal nature of the author, the work and the rights linked to authorial creations. In it, it becomes clear that virtual art must also be considered a work, in legal terms, and, therefore, must be protected by the provisions of the aforementioned legal text. The phenomenon of NFTs, however, presents a new risk and challenge to the protection of intellectual property, since their market - which is not well versed and, mainly, poorly regulated - has been showing a growth in the practices of plagiarism and unauthorized reproductions of works of art in the creation process of these new virtual goods.
This study of descriptive and exploratory character is an undergraduate thesis that aims to analyze the emerging impact of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the field of intellectual property and of Copyright, with an emphasis on digital art. Clear doctrinal and academic research was carried out, in addition to a handful of illustrative figures that expose, in a succinct manner, some technical aspects of the creation and sale of NFTs. The Brazilian legal system had the inclusion of the Copyright Law, which deals with the subjects of the legal nature of the author, the work and the rights linked to authorial creations. In it, it becomes clear that virtual art must also be considered a work, in legal terms, and, therefore, must be protected by the provisions of the aforementioned legal text. The phenomenon of NFTs, however, presents a new risk and challenge to the protection of intellectual property, since their market - which is not well versed and, mainly, poorly regulated - has been showing a growth in the practices of plagiarism and unauthorized reproductions of works of art in the creation process of these new virtual goods.
direito autoral , propriedade intelectual , artes digitais , tokens não-fungíveis , copyright , intellectual property , digital arts , non-fungible tokens