Etarismo nas artes cênicas: o ator mais velho no teatro

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Vieira, Ubiratan Negrão
Hanashiro, Darcy Mitiko Mori
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Teixeira, Maria Luisa Mendes
Costa, Simone Nunes da
Administração de Empresas
Demographic changes in Brazil have become more relevant in recent years with even greater projections for the coming years, when the subject is an aging population. Thus, the increase in the older population can be considered to be followed by an increase in older workers. Concomitantly with this factor, it is worth mentioning the prejudice and discrimination suffered by older workers, in different economic sectors and types of organizations. We chose the theme in theater because I am an actor and experience the artistic reality, in addition to the lack of scientific studies on aging in the field of performing arts. The present research proposal has the general objective of identifying the challenges that older actors experience in the theater. The research adopted a qualitative interpretative approach. We conducted 10 in-depth interviews with older actors, who play or have played in the theater, aged over 45 years. We analyzed the content of the interviews based on the approach of Flores (1994). The results point to the following categories: stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination (elements that make up the concept of ageism), physical vitality, less roles and complementary income. The theoretical contribution to the age literature, the practical contribution and the social impact of the research are presented in the final considerations.
estereótipos , preconceito , discriminação , etarismo , ator , teatro , artes cênicas
Assuntos Scopus
VIEIRA, Ubiratan Negrão. Etarismo nas artes cênicas: o ator mais velho no teatro. 2021. 111 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.