Fast fashion e a proteção do trade dress: uma análise das implicações legais e estratégicas na indústria da moda
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Caldeira, Beatriz de Abreu
Nogueira, Luiza Souto
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo evidenciar, sob a perspectiva dos direitos de
propriedade intelectual - mais especificamente no que diz respeito aos institutos do direito
autoral, desenho industrial e marcas -, a ausência de legislação específica para a resolução
de conflitos dentro da indústria da moda. Diante disso, serão analisados entendimentos
jurisprudenciais e doutrinários acerca da aplicabilidade dos institutos tradicionais da
propriedade intelectual no Direito da moda, frente as recorrentes práticas abusivas de
plágio e imitação dentro do setor. Em seguida, se debruçará sobre o trade dress como uma
figura alternativa capaz de proporcionar respostas que atendam de modo satisfatório a
dinâmina do mercado da moda e suas questões intrínsecas. Através do método indutivo,
utilizando como embasamento teórico bibliografia especializada e julgados sobre o tema,
conclui-se pela importância quanto a criação de uma tutela que observe as pecurilaridades
da indústria da moda, afastando a insegurança jurídica que permeia hoje sobre o setor.
The present work aims to highlight, from the perspective of intellectual property rights – more specifically with the regard of copyright, industrial design and trademark institutes – the abstance of specific legislation for solving conflicts within the fashion industry. In this sense, jurisprudential and doctrinal understandings will be analyzed regarding the applicability of traditional intellectual property institutes in fashion law, given the recurring abusive practices of plagiarism and imitation within the sector. Next step, it will focus at trade dress as an alternative figure capable of providing answers that satisfactorily address the dynamics of the fashion market and its intrisic issues. Through the inductive method, using specialized bibliography and judgements on the subject as a theoretical basis, it is concluded that it is important to creat a guardianship that observes the peculiarities of the fashion industry, repeling the legal uncertainty that permeates the sector today.
The present work aims to highlight, from the perspective of intellectual property rights – more specifically with the regard of copyright, industrial design and trademark institutes – the abstance of specific legislation for solving conflicts within the fashion industry. In this sense, jurisprudential and doctrinal understandings will be analyzed regarding the applicability of traditional intellectual property institutes in fashion law, given the recurring abusive practices of plagiarism and imitation within the sector. Next step, it will focus at trade dress as an alternative figure capable of providing answers that satisfactorily address the dynamics of the fashion market and its intrisic issues. Through the inductive method, using specialized bibliography and judgements on the subject as a theoretical basis, it is concluded that it is important to creat a guardianship that observes the peculiarities of the fashion industry, repeling the legal uncertainty that permeates the sector today.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
propriedade intelectual , indústria da moda , direito da moda , plágio , intellectual property , fashion industry , fashion law , plagiarism