Infraestrutura de transportes como instrumento estatal de promoção do desenvolvimento econômico e social

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Nakamura, Andre Luiz dos Santos
Bercovici, Gilberto
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Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
Massonetto, Luís Fernando
Tavares, André Ramos
Nohara, Irene Patrícia
Direito Político e Econômico
Brazil has a deficit of transport infrastructure that needs to be solved by the State through public planning and investments. Private initiative, even after the adoption of neoliberal measures since the 1990s, has not invested in infrastructure because of the high interest paid on public debt securities, thus not making long-term investments. The implantation in Brazil of a mistaken economic policy of high interest and primary surpluses removed the capacity of planning and investment from the State. Neoliberal governments dismantled the Brazilian state. Without state investment and without private investment, there was the chaos of national infrastructure. There was also a marked asymmetry of information in the relations between the public sector and the private sector, the capture of the state by economic power and the emergence of a new patrimonial state. Insufficient transport infrastructure has resulted in a bottleneck that impedes Brazil's economic and social development and the consequent noncompliance with the fundamental objectives of guaranteeing national development, eradicating poverty and marginalization, as well as reducing social and regional inequalities, as provided for in art. 3 of the Federal Constitution. Investment in transport infrastructure not only promotes economic development, but above all social development, with repercussions on employment, health and education. The positive externalities resulting from the investment in an adequate transport infrastructure justify the formulation of a public policy to build, modernize and expand highways, railways, waterways, ports and pipelines as a national priority. The factors impeding the investment, planning and execution of an efficient public transport infrastructure policy were verified, and from this, the solutions were formulated. The result obtained points to the need for institutionalization of transportation infrastructure planning, changes in economic policy and obtaining resources to enable state investment. Among the solutions proposed, it is worth mentioning the creation of a fund to finance public investment in transport infrastructure, funded by the resources derived from fuel taxation.
infraestrutura , transportes , desenvolvimento econômico , intervenção do estado na economia , parcerias público-privadas (ppps) , responsabilidade fiscal , política econômica , juros
Assuntos Scopus
NAKAMURA, Andre Luiz dos Santos. Infraestrutura de transportes como instrumento estatal de promoção do desenvolvimento econômico e social. 2018. 272 f. Tese (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.