Identidade de gênero no direito desportivo: uma análise do PL n° 346/2019
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Epprecht, Thabata Basler
Cardia, Ana Cláudia Ruy
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O presente trabalho busca expor componentes-base que conduzam à reflexão acerca dos
elementos necessários na elaboração de projetos de lei relacionados a direitos sociais e o
papel do poder legislativo no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas eficientes. Para restringir
o escopo do estudo, analisa o Projeto de Lei nº 346, de 2019, cuja temática correlaciona
pessoas transexuais às práticas esportivas de alta performance. A compreensão da situação de
tais pessoas no cenário social, frente a dados como empregabilidade, saúde e expectativa de
vida é substancial para que se componha o cenário completo. Adicionalmente, são
apresentados dados relacionados à função social do esporte, responsável pela integração de
indivíduos ímpares por meio de princípios como a colaboração e a responsabilidade, e os
papéis da genética e dos fatores históricos nas diferenças entre homens e mulheres, que
culminam no campo desportivo. Utiliza-se, para tanto, como método de pesquisa, a
metodologia hipotético-dedutiva, valendo-se de dados provenientes de fontes primárias e
This study aims to expose the elements that leads to the reflection about what should be considered through a legislative proposal related to social rights and the parliamentary role at the development of efficient public policies. The focus will be the legislative proposal 346 of 2019, whose theme correlates transsexuality to high performance sports practices. A deeper understanding of transgender people social scenario – such as employability, health, and life expectancy- is substantial to truly conceive the general outline. Additionally, are presented data related to the social function of sport and the roles of genetics and historical factors present in the differences between men and women, that conduct to gender disparities in the sports field. For that purpose, was used Karl Popper’s deductive reasoning method of research.
This study aims to expose the elements that leads to the reflection about what should be considered through a legislative proposal related to social rights and the parliamentary role at the development of efficient public policies. The focus will be the legislative proposal 346 of 2019, whose theme correlates transsexuality to high performance sports practices. A deeper understanding of transgender people social scenario – such as employability, health, and life expectancy- is substantial to truly conceive the general outline. Additionally, are presented data related to the social function of sport and the roles of genetics and historical factors present in the differences between men and women, that conduct to gender disparities in the sports field. For that purpose, was used Karl Popper’s deductive reasoning method of research.
gênero , transexualidade , direito desportivo , políticas públicas , gender , transsexuality , sports law , public policies