Responsabilidade civil e a indenização por abandono afetivo: o dever de cuidado dos pais em relação aos filhos
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Quintal, Marcela Martins
Camillo, Carlos Eduardo Nicoletti
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O presente trabalho estuda a evolução do conceito de família, desde os tempos
mais antigos, em que imperava o pátrio poder até a atualidade em que se dá lugar
ao poder familiar, no qual todos os entes contribuem da mesma forma para o
desenvolvimento familiar, não havendo qualquer hierarquia entre estes. No modelo
atual de família, nota-se a ascensão da valorização dos deveres de cuidado e afeto
na família contemporânea, sendo a ausência de tais conceitos o norte a ensejar a
responsabilização por abandono afetivo. No segundo capítulo estuda-se o papel que
desempenham os pais no pleno desenvolvimento de sua prole, bem como os
pressupostos da responsabilidade civil, nos casos de negligência dos deveres
estabelecidos nos diplomas legais brasileiros, que ensejam a aplicabilidade da
responsabilização dos pais em relação aos filhos nos casos de abandono afetivo.
Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, o escopo é analisar mais afundo o conceito de
abandono afetivo e como este conceito evoluiu nos Tribunais Pátrios, exemplificando
o posicionamento com a Jurisprudência dos Tribunais brasileiros e do E. Superior
Tribunal de Justiça.
The present work studies the evolution of the concept of family, from the earliest times in which the fatherland ruled power until the most current times in which family power takes place, in which all entities contribute in the same way to family development, there being no hierarchy between them. In the current model of the family, one can note the rise of the valorization of the duties of care and affection in the contemporary family, being the absence of such concepts the north to induce the responsibility for affective abandonment. The second chapter examines the role that parents play in the full development of their offspring, as well as the assumptions of civil responsibility, in cases of negligence of the duties established in Brazilian legal texts, which imply the applicability of parents' children in cases of affective abandonment. Finally, in the third chapter, the scope is to analyze more deeply the concept of affective abandonment and how this concept evolved in the Courts of Honor, exemplifying the position with the Jurisprudence of the Brazilian Courts and the Superior Court of Justice.
The present work studies the evolution of the concept of family, from the earliest times in which the fatherland ruled power until the most current times in which family power takes place, in which all entities contribute in the same way to family development, there being no hierarchy between them. In the current model of the family, one can note the rise of the valorization of the duties of care and affection in the contemporary family, being the absence of such concepts the north to induce the responsibility for affective abandonment. The second chapter examines the role that parents play in the full development of their offspring, as well as the assumptions of civil responsibility, in cases of negligence of the duties established in Brazilian legal texts, which imply the applicability of parents' children in cases of affective abandonment. Finally, in the third chapter, the scope is to analyze more deeply the concept of affective abandonment and how this concept evolved in the Courts of Honor, exemplifying the position with the Jurisprudence of the Brazilian Courts and the Superior Court of Justice.
abandono afetivo , família , dever de cuidado , afetividade , responsabilidade civil , dano moral , affective abandonment , family , duty of care , affectivity , civil responsibility , moral damage