Brasil e África Do Sul: análise comparada do modelo de recrutamento dos membros do poder judiciário
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Geraldo, Kaique Santhiago da Costa Afonso
Avelino, Pedro Buck
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O presente trabalho tem por finalidade o estudo dos processos de recrutamento dos membros
do Poder Judiciário no Brasil e na África do Sul. O estudo se desenvolve por abordagem
metodológica comparada, tendo como principal foco a análise da legislação que regula os
processos de recrutamento de juízes para o ingresso na carreira e ocupação de cargos em cortes
superiores. Além disso, realiza mapeamento das etapas relacionadas a seleção em ambos os
países objeto de estudo O estudo também elenca aspectos da perspectiva social sobre o tema,
bem como as possíveis razões e motivos para respectiva adoção dos modelos estudados.
The present work aims to study the recruitment processes of the members of the Judiciary in Brazil and South Africa. The study is developed by a comparative methodology, having as focus the analysis of the legislation that regulates the processes of recruitment of judges for the entry into the career and occupation of positions in higher courts. In addition, it performs a mapping of the stages related to selection in both countries subject to study. The study also lists aspects of the social perspective on the subject, as well as the possible reasons and reasons for the respective adoption of the models studied.
The present work aims to study the recruitment processes of the members of the Judiciary in Brazil and South Africa. The study is developed by a comparative methodology, having as focus the analysis of the legislation that regulates the processes of recruitment of judges for the entry into the career and occupation of positions in higher courts. In addition, it performs a mapping of the stages related to selection in both countries subject to study. The study also lists aspects of the social perspective on the subject, as well as the possible reasons and reasons for the respective adoption of the models studied.
direito comparado , judiciário , recrutamento , comparative law , judiciary , recruitment