Amortização do ágio envolvedo operações de sociedades veículo
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Chae, Gabriel Yoo
Fiorin, Rangel Perrucci
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A presente monográfica versa sobre a incidência do ágio sob os aspectos tributários, especificamente acerca da amortização desse instituto envolvendo operações de sociedades veículo, sob o entendimento traçado pelo Fisco Federal e o Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais – CARF. Para isso, fez-se necessário a análise do conceito histórico e a aplicabilidade do instituto do ágio tanto na esfera contábil como na esfera tributária. Para tanto, foram examinados os seguimentos adotados pelo Conselho Federal de Recursos Fiscais – CARF nas decisões administrativas e, em paralelo, o entendimento do Fisco Federal acerca da interpretação das motivações do instituto ágio, diante dos limites do planejamento tributário – em especial, das normas gerais antielisivas.
This study is about the goowill assessment according to the tax point of view, specifically about the amortization at transactions involving Special Purpose Vehicle, based on former court decisions by Federal Tax Authority and Administrative Tax Courts. To understand the institute, it’s necessary explores the historical context and the applicability of goodwil at accounting and tax rules. For this reason, were examined precedents of Administrative Tax Courts as well Federal Tax Authority, focusing on the interpretation of goodwill at tax planning, specially the study about general anti-avoidance norm.
This study is about the goowill assessment according to the tax point of view, specifically about the amortization at transactions involving Special Purpose Vehicle, based on former court decisions by Federal Tax Authority and Administrative Tax Courts. To understand the institute, it’s necessary explores the historical context and the applicability of goodwil at accounting and tax rules. For this reason, were examined precedents of Administrative Tax Courts as well Federal Tax Authority, focusing on the interpretation of goodwill at tax planning, specially the study about general anti-avoidance norm.
ágio , CARF , amortização , planejamento tributário , goodwill , amortization , business purpose , special purpose vehicle , sociedade veiculo