Animais de companhia no direito de família
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Sanchez, Rocío Gallego
Scalquette, Ana Cláudia Silva
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise da natureza jurídica e axiológica dos
animais de companhia no âmbito do Direito de Família, diante do atual processo de
ressignificação cultural e jurídica que se observa com o advento do fenômeno social das
famílias “multiespécie”. Este, se caracteriza pela crescente importância atribuída a esses
animais na composição familiar. Tal assunto instiga a curiosidade pois, trata-se de uma
questão de caráter transformador da sociedade, consequentemente resultando na necessidade
de adaptação a essa nova realidade, em especial na esfera jurídica. Por meio de pesquisa
bibliográfica comparativa e interdisciplinar, abrangendo as esferas histórica, biológica, social
e jurídica, busca-se melhor compreender a natureza singular sui generis dos animais de
companhia, haja visto não poderem mais se limitar a caracterização de bens semoventes, mas
sendo reconhecidos como seres sencientes com valor afetivo e influência na estrutura familiar.
Por fim, busca-se demonstrar o percurso que levou a concretização dessa novidade, bem como
a aplicabilidade das normas de Direito de Família ao assunto.
The present document has the purpose of analyzing the axiological and legal nature of companion animals, regarding Family Law, on behalf of the present process of cultural and legal resignification observed from the advent of the social phenomenon that goes by the surname of “multispecies families”. It is characterized by the importance increase regarding these animals, on family´s composition. This topic instigates curiosity, since it’s related to society development, which results on a necessary adjustment to this new reality, especially concerning the legal field. Trough comparative interdisciplinary bibliography research, including the areas of history, biology, social science and law domain, is expected to understand the singular nature sui generis of domestic animals, since it’s no longer limited by the mere concept of merchandise, immersing as sentient beings status, whose emotional value is highly influential on familiar structure. Ultimately, there is also the purpose of demonstrating the course taken to concretize this novelty, such as the applicability of Family Law norms to the subject.
The present document has the purpose of analyzing the axiological and legal nature of companion animals, regarding Family Law, on behalf of the present process of cultural and legal resignification observed from the advent of the social phenomenon that goes by the surname of “multispecies families”. It is characterized by the importance increase regarding these animals, on family´s composition. This topic instigates curiosity, since it’s related to society development, which results on a necessary adjustment to this new reality, especially concerning the legal field. Trough comparative interdisciplinary bibliography research, including the areas of history, biology, social science and law domain, is expected to understand the singular nature sui generis of domestic animals, since it’s no longer limited by the mere concept of merchandise, immersing as sentient beings status, whose emotional value is highly influential on familiar structure. Ultimately, there is also the purpose of demonstrating the course taken to concretize this novelty, such as the applicability of Family Law norms to the subject.
natureza jurídica , famílias multiespécie , animais de companhia , legal nature , multispecies families , companion animals