Audiências de custódia: uma análise de constitucionalidade à luz dos tratados de direitos humanos
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Alvares, Sandra Souza
Silva, Juliana Dambrosio Teixeira
Silva, Juliana Dambrosio Teixeira
Medeiros, Thamara Duarte Cunha
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O presente estudo pretende realizar uma análise histórica sobre o surgimento e aplicação das audiências de custódia no Brasil, tal como aferir sua legalidade, utilizando como parâmetro os argumentos trazidos no Projeto de Decreto Legislativo n° 317/2016 e no Projeto de Decreto Legislativo de Sustação de Atos Normativos do Poder Executivo n° 42/2019, que visam sustar os efeitos da Resolução n° 213/2015. O instituto ora estudado teve previsão primária por meio de Tratados Internacionais ratificados pelo Brasil, sendo posteriormente regulado administrativamente pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, a fim de viabilizar sua aplicação nos tribunais e diminuir o consequente encarceramento e gastos no sistema penitenciário.
The present study aims to execute a historical analysis of the emergence and application of custody hearings in Brazil, and furthermore assess its legality, using as a parameter the arguments brought up in the Draft Legislative Decree Nº 317/2016 and the Draft Legislative Decree of Suspending Normative Acts of the Executive Branch Nº 42/2019, which aim to stop the effects of Resolution Nº 213/2015. The institute studied here had a primary provision through International Treaties ratified by Brazil, being subsequently regulated administratively by the National Council of Justice, in order to facilitate its application in the courts and reduce the consequent incarceration and expenses in the prison system.
The present study aims to execute a historical analysis of the emergence and application of custody hearings in Brazil, and furthermore assess its legality, using as a parameter the arguments brought up in the Draft Legislative Decree Nº 317/2016 and the Draft Legislative Decree of Suspending Normative Acts of the Executive Branch Nº 42/2019, which aim to stop the effects of Resolution Nº 213/2015. The institute studied here had a primary provision through International Treaties ratified by Brazil, being subsequently regulated administratively by the National Council of Justice, in order to facilitate its application in the courts and reduce the consequent incarceration and expenses in the prison system.
audiência de custódia , constitucionalidade , resolução , direitos humanos , custody hearing , constitutionality , resolution , human rights