Testamento vital: validade e eficácia do instituto no Brasil
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Casal, Camila Aguiar
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar brevemente o nascimento das diretivas antecipadas de vontade – e mais especificamente do testamento vital - nos Estados Unidos e a difusão do instituto no Brasil. Trata, ainda, sobre a possibilidade de um indivíduo manifestar sua vontade antecipadamente quanto aos tratamentos e/ou procedimentos que poderão e não poderão ser efetuados quando este não puder mais consentir. Propõe uma análise da evolução do instituto à luz da dignidade da pessoa humana, da autonomia da vontade, autodeterminação do paciente e da capacidade de consentir. Por fim, analisa requisitos de validade e eficácia para o uso do instituto no Brasil ante a ausência de regramento legislativo sobre o tema.
This article aims to briefly analyze the birth of the advanced directives - and more specifically the living will - in the United States and the diffusion of said institute in Brazil. It also adresses the choices an individual can take regarding the treatments and / or procedures that may and may not be performed when the patient can no longer consente – also called will in advance. It proposes an analysis of the evolution of the institute in the light of the dignity of the human being, private autonomy, self-determination of the patient and the capacity to consent. Finally, it analyzes validity and efficacy requirements for the use of the institute in Brazil due to the absence of legislative regulation on the subject.
This article aims to briefly analyze the birth of the advanced directives - and more specifically the living will - in the United States and the diffusion of said institute in Brazil. It also adresses the choices an individual can take regarding the treatments and / or procedures that may and may not be performed when the patient can no longer consente – also called will in advance. It proposes an analysis of the evolution of the institute in the light of the dignity of the human being, private autonomy, self-determination of the patient and the capacity to consent. Finally, it analyzes validity and efficacy requirements for the use of the institute in Brazil due to the absence of legislative regulation on the subject.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2018.
diretivas antecipadas de vontade , testamento vital , consentimento livre e esclarecido , dignidade da pessoa humana , validade , eficácia , advanced directives , living will , free and informed consent , dignity of the human being , validity , efficacy