Medida socioeducativa de internação: educativa ou punitiva? análise acerca da argumentação condenatória do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo
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Sampaio, Marcella Luiz
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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Dá-se ênfase à reflexão notada a grande população de adolescentes internados no estado de São Paulo,
mesmo que não cometido ato infracional mediante violência ou grave ameaça, como pretendido pelo
rol taxativo do artigo 122 do ECA. O presente artigo aponta qual seria a justificativa do Tribunal de
Justiça de São Paulo para tal condenação e desenvolve a pesquisa explorando a natureza da medida
socioeducativa de internação, assim como a introdução do Direito da Criança e do Adolescente no
Brasil. Em 2018 houve um levantamento feito pelo Departamento de Monitoramento de Fiscalização
do Sistema Carcerário e das Medidas Socioeducativas do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, o qual
apontou que existem hoje no Brasil mais de 22 mil jovens internados nas 461 unidades
socioeducativas em território nacional. O estado de São Paulo é o maior em número de menores
internados, totalizando 7.911 adolescentes, cerca de 35% do todo, e por isso a importância de trazer
a pesquisa qualitativa sobre a aplicabilidade do dispositivo mencionado, respondendo qual é a
principal argumentação condenatória do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo.
Emphasis is given to the reflection noted the large population of adolescents interned in the state of São Paulo, even if they have not committed an infraction by means of violence or serious threat, as intended by the exhaustive list of article 122 of the ECA. The present article points out what would be the justification of the São Paulo Court of Justice for such a conviction and develops the research by exploring the nature of the socioeducational measure of internment, as well as the introduction of Child and Adolescent Law in Brazil. In 2018 there was a survey conducted by the National Justice Council's Department for Monitoring and Supervision of the Prison System and Socioeducational Measures, which pointed out that there are today in Brazil more than 22,000 young people interned in the 461 socioeducational units in the national territory. The state of São Paulo is the largest in number of juvenile internees, totaling 7,911 adolescents, about 35% of the total, and thus the importance of bringing qualitative research on the applicability of the mentioned device, answering what is the main condemnatory argument of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo.
Emphasis is given to the reflection noted the large population of adolescents interned in the state of São Paulo, even if they have not committed an infraction by means of violence or serious threat, as intended by the exhaustive list of article 122 of the ECA. The present article points out what would be the justification of the São Paulo Court of Justice for such a conviction and develops the research by exploring the nature of the socioeducational measure of internment, as well as the introduction of Child and Adolescent Law in Brazil. In 2018 there was a survey conducted by the National Justice Council's Department for Monitoring and Supervision of the Prison System and Socioeducational Measures, which pointed out that there are today in Brazil more than 22,000 young people interned in the 461 socioeducational units in the national territory. The state of São Paulo is the largest in number of juvenile internees, totaling 7,911 adolescents, about 35% of the total, and thus the importance of bringing qualitative research on the applicability of the mentioned device, answering what is the main condemnatory argument of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo.
medida socioeducativa de internação , ato infracional , educação , punição , socio-educational measure of internment , offense , education , punishment