Criptoativos e lavagem de dinheiro: desafios regulatórios
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Cedra, Giovana Coutinho
Azevedo, André Boiani e
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho visa expor considerações acerca da utilização de criptoativos
como objeto do crime de lavagem de dinheiro. O artigo em estudo aborda o funcionamento do
sistema de operação com criptomoedas, que constantemente são associadas ao
pseudoanonimato e à descentralização, e que provocam visões diversas, uma vez que, por um
lado, há otimismo no potencial inovativo e, por outro, insegurança com os riscos associados à
sua utilização. Essa natureza jurídica dos ativos digitais facilita a ocultação e dissimulação da
origem ilícita dos fundos, em virtude do rastreamento das transações. Por fim, discorre acerca
de análises sobre os desafios regulatórios do tema no contexto nacional, enfatizando o Marco
Legal Dos Criptoativos, e abrange um panorama do assunto no âmbito internacional.
This paper evaluates the subject of the intricate relationship between virtual assets and money laundering activities. The article meticulously examines the operational framework of cryptocurrency systems, often characterized by pseudonymity and decentralization. This dichotomy of perspectives surrounding virtual assets encompasses both optimistic outlooks on their innovative potential and concerns regarding the inherent risks associated with their widespread adoption. The unique legal nature of digital assets presents a challenge in effectively tracing transactions, thereby facilitating the placement and layering of the illicit origins of funds. Furthermore, the paper explores the intricate regulatory challenges posed by virtual assets within the national context, emphasizing the Legal Framework for Crypt Assets. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive overview of the international landscape surrounding this multifaceted issue.
This paper evaluates the subject of the intricate relationship between virtual assets and money laundering activities. The article meticulously examines the operational framework of cryptocurrency systems, often characterized by pseudonymity and decentralization. This dichotomy of perspectives surrounding virtual assets encompasses both optimistic outlooks on their innovative potential and concerns regarding the inherent risks associated with their widespread adoption. The unique legal nature of digital assets presents a challenge in effectively tracing transactions, thereby facilitating the placement and layering of the illicit origins of funds. Furthermore, the paper explores the intricate regulatory challenges posed by virtual assets within the national context, emphasizing the Legal Framework for Crypt Assets. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive overview of the international landscape surrounding this multifaceted issue.
criptomoedas , lavagem de dinheiro , natureza jurídica , ocultação e dissimulação , virtual assets , money laundering , legal nature , placement and layering