A natureza jurídica do rol do art. 1.015 do código de processo civil e a taxatividade mitigada
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Unello, Igor Eugênio Torralbo
Caraciola, Andrea Boari
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O presente ensaio examina a evolução da recorribilidade das decisões interlocutórias nos diplomas processuais ao longo dos anos, para então analisar a tese fixada pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça no especial repetitivo n. 1.704.520/MT, que determinou a flexibilização do rol das hipóteses de cabimento do agravo de instrumento. O objetivo, portanto, é estudar a eficácia vinculante dessa decisão paradigmática, de forma a delimitar possíveis cenários para a admissibilidade do agravo de instrumento contra decisões interlocutórias não previstas no rol de hipóteses do art. 1.015 do Código de Processo Civil, com atenção aos princípios da segurança jurídica e da proteção da confiança.
This following thesis studies the development of the ability to appeal the interlocutory decisions in procedural requirements over the years, and then analyzes the thesis set by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice on the special appeal n. 1.704.520/MT, which determined the relaxation of the list of hypotheses to file the interlocutory decisions appeal. The objective is to study the binding effectiveness of this decision in order to delimit possible scenarios for the admissibility of the interlocutory decisions appeal in other hypotheses not defined in the article 1.015 of the 2015 Civil Procedure Code, based on the principles of legal certainty and protection of trust.
This following thesis studies the development of the ability to appeal the interlocutory decisions in procedural requirements over the years, and then analyzes the thesis set by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice on the special appeal n. 1.704.520/MT, which determined the relaxation of the list of hypotheses to file the interlocutory decisions appeal. The objective is to study the binding effectiveness of this decision in order to delimit possible scenarios for the admissibility of the interlocutory decisions appeal in other hypotheses not defined in the article 1.015 of the 2015 Civil Procedure Code, based on the principles of legal certainty and protection of trust.
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processo civil , decisão interlocutória , agravo de instrumento , cabimento , flexibilização , civil procedure , interlocutory decision , interlocutory appeal , appropriateness , flexibilization