Cláusulas de obrigação de não concorrência em operações de fusões e aquisições
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Albregard, Alessandra Rei
Oliveira, José Do Carmo Veiga De
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo debater a importância das cláusulas de obrigação de não concorrência em contratos de operações de fusões e aquisições, levando em consideração a delimitação de aspectos materiais, territoriais e temporais, para que, de um lado seja assegurada a garantia da parte adquirente em exercer as atividades da sociedade adquirida sem que haja a concorrência desleal e, de outro lado, a garantia da livre iniciativa e livre concorrência sejam respeitadas para não haver restrições abusivas para o vendedor. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa consiste em revisitar os conceitos jurídicos e doutrinários de obrigação de não concorrência, livre iniciativa, livre concorrência e ordem econômica, que são garantidos na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil e realizar a análise crítica e detalhada acerca da importância do tema principal e de seus limites a partir de pesquisa jurisprudencial e doutrinária.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of non-compete obligation clauses in Mergers & Acquisitions agreements, taking into consideration the delimitation of material, territorial and temporal aspects to, on one hand, guarantee the acquiring party to perform the activities of the acquired company without unfair competition is ensured and, on the other hand, the guarantee of free initiative and free competition are respected so that there are no abusive restrictions for the seller. In this context, the research consists in revisiting the legal and doctrinal concepts of non-compete obligation, free initiative, free competition and economic order, which are guaranteed in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and perform a critical and detailed analysis about the importance of the main theme and its limits from jurisprudential and doctrinal research.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of non-compete obligation clauses in Mergers & Acquisitions agreements, taking into consideration the delimitation of material, territorial and temporal aspects to, on one hand, guarantee the acquiring party to perform the activities of the acquired company without unfair competition is ensured and, on the other hand, the guarantee of free initiative and free competition are respected so that there are no abusive restrictions for the seller. In this context, the research consists in revisiting the legal and doctrinal concepts of non-compete obligation, free initiative, free competition and economic order, which are guaranteed in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and perform a critical and detailed analysis about the importance of the main theme and its limits from jurisprudential and doctrinal research.
cláusula de obrigação de não concorrência , limites , livre concorrência , non-compete obligation clause , limits , free competition