Contrato de namoro: validade, eficácia e eventual descaracterização da união estável
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Uehara, Letícia Thieri Martins
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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O contrato de namoro tem sido utilizado com o objetivo de reconhecer que as partes contratantes apresentam meramente uma relação de namoro, sem efeitos patrimoniais e sucessórios, evitando a configuração da união estável e suas consequências jurídicas. O objetivo central do presente artigo é realizar uma análise acerca da validade jurídica do contrato de namoro e sua eficácia, principalmente quando firmado com a intenção de afastar o instituto da união estável. A metodologia realizada possui natureza bibliográfica exploratória com a utilização de doutrinas, dissertações e entendimentos jurisprudenciais. A análise do contrato de namoro será realizada com base na Teoria da Escada Ponteana, nos planos de existência, validade e eficácia.
The dating agreement has been used to recognize that the contracting parties have merely a dating relationship, without property and succession effects, avoiding the configuration of the stable union and its legal consequences. The main objective of this article is to analyze the legal validity of the dating agreement and its effectiveness, especially when it is signed with the intention of excluding a stable union. The methodology used has exploratory bibliographic nature with the use of doctrines, dissertations, and jurisprudential understandings. The analysis of the dating agreement will be based on the Theory of Pontes de Miranda, on the levels of existence, validity and effectiveness.
The dating agreement has been used to recognize that the contracting parties have merely a dating relationship, without property and succession effects, avoiding the configuration of the stable union and its legal consequences. The main objective of this article is to analyze the legal validity of the dating agreement and its effectiveness, especially when it is signed with the intention of excluding a stable union. The methodology used has exploratory bibliographic nature with the use of doctrines, dissertations, and jurisprudential understandings. The analysis of the dating agreement will be based on the Theory of Pontes de Miranda, on the levels of existence, validity and effectiveness.
direito de família , contrato de namoro , namoro qualificado , family law , dating agreement , qualified dating