Punir para socializar: uma análise da função ressocializadora da pena
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Honorato, Roberta Vasconcelos
Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni
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A pena de prisão transcende um cenário de caos, trancafiando os indivíduos, que são seres humanos, de forma desumana e cruel, sem observar os direitos e garantias individuais a eles inerentes. Em consequência disso, a pena, que tem finalidade ressocializadora, não consegue atingir seus fins e proporcionar ao cidadão egresso a reintegração social. Essa parcela da sociedade, após o cumprimento da pena judicial, passa a ser punida socialmente, já que não consegue se reinserir na sociedade, especialmente no meio laboral. Deste modo, o presente estudo nos mostra que, ante a falha dos sistema prisional brasileiro, o Estado e a sociedade devem garantir ações afirmativas a fim de viabilizarem a reintegração social dos cidadãos egressos.
The prison sentence transcends a scenario of chaos, locking up individuals, who are human beings, inhumanly and cruelly, without observing their inherent rights and guarantees. As a result, the punishment, which has a resocializing purpose, cannot achieve its ends and provide the egress citizen with social reintegration. This part of society, after the fulfillment of the judicial penalty, is punished socially, as it cannot reinsert itself in society, especially in the workplace. Thus, the present study shows us that, given the failure of the Brazilian prison system, the State and society must guarantee affirmative actions in order to enable the social reintegration of egressed citizens.
The prison sentence transcends a scenario of chaos, locking up individuals, who are human beings, inhumanly and cruelly, without observing their inherent rights and guarantees. As a result, the punishment, which has a resocializing purpose, cannot achieve its ends and provide the egress citizen with social reintegration. This part of society, after the fulfillment of the judicial penalty, is punished socially, as it cannot reinsert itself in society, especially in the workplace. Thus, the present study shows us that, given the failure of the Brazilian prison system, the State and society must guarantee affirmative actions in order to enable the social reintegration of egressed citizens.
punishment , imprisonment , social reintegration , affirmative action , pena , prisão , reintegração social , ações afirmativas