Encarceramento e dominação: análise materialista das prisões preventivas
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Silva Junior, Jorge Ferreira da
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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O presente trabalho propôs-se a analisar a relação que existe entre encarceramento
em massa e o genocídio da população negra no Brasil. Para tanto, o autor se utilizou
de pesquisa do Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa (IDDD), para observar se os
fundamentos empregados na decretação das prisões provisórias durante as
audiências de custódia, em que o preso é apresentado a um magistrado pela
primeira vez, guardam alguma coincidência com as condições sociais que vive a
maior parte da população negra no Brasil. O autor procurou estabelecer um paralelo
entre o lugar de marginalizado destinado ao negro logo após a Abolição e os
critérios mais usados para prender provisoriamente, destacando-se a falta de
moradia, a ausência de atividade laboral e a manutenção da ordem social.
Concluiu-se que a seletividade do sistema penal, expressa em elementos que
autorizam os juízes a prenderem indivíduos de determinadas condições sociais, é,
na verdade, a manifestação das estruturas do próprio capitalismo.
This article aims to analyze the relationship between mass imprisonment and the genocide of the black population in Brazil. For this purpose, the author used research from the Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa (Defense Institute for the Defense of Defense Rights, or IDDD), to observe whether the grounds used in the decree of provisional arrests during custody hearings, in which the prisoner is presented to a magistrate for the first time, have any coincidence with the social conditions that most of the black population lives in Brazil. The author sought to establish a parallel between the place of the marginalized destined for black people after Abolition and the most used criteria for provisional arrest, highlighting the lack of housing, the absence of labor activity and the maintenance of social order. It was concluded that the selectivity of the penal system, expressed in elements that authorize judges to arrest individuals of certain social conditions, is, in fact, the manifestation of the structures of capitalism itself.
This article aims to analyze the relationship between mass imprisonment and the genocide of the black population in Brazil. For this purpose, the author used research from the Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa (Defense Institute for the Defense of Defense Rights, or IDDD), to observe whether the grounds used in the decree of provisional arrests during custody hearings, in which the prisoner is presented to a magistrate for the first time, have any coincidence with the social conditions that most of the black population lives in Brazil. The author sought to establish a parallel between the place of the marginalized destined for black people after Abolition and the most used criteria for provisional arrest, highlighting the lack of housing, the absence of labor activity and the maintenance of social order. It was concluded that the selectivity of the penal system, expressed in elements that authorize judges to arrest individuals of certain social conditions, is, in fact, the manifestation of the structures of capitalism itself.
encarceramento , negros , genocídio , audiência de custódia , imprisonment , blacks , genocide , custody hearing