Marketing de influência: aspectos contratuais e responsabilidade civil dos influenciadores digitais
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Vilano, Gabrielle Marucci
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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A presente monografia busca analisar os aspectos da sociedade contemporânea,
especificamente aqueles relacionados ao marketing de influência, grande tendência publicitária
atual, visto que os influenciadores digitais estão cada vez mais presentes e atuantes no mundo
publicitário, no mercado e na sociedade, bem como os impactos de tal prática publicitária nas
relações jurídicas abordadas pela legislação pátria. Isto é, o presente trabalho buscará retratar
as repercussões jurídicas da publicidade realizada pelo influenciador digital, principalmente, no
âmbito da responsabilidade civil e no âmbito contratual. Para tanto, serão analisados, de
maneira pormenorizada, o marketing de influência e seus aspectos jurídicos, bem como sua
adaptação e aplicação à era digital e às redes sociais e sua regulamentação. Superadas essas
questões primordiais, serão estudados e discutidos, também de forma detalhada, os aspectos
contratuais envolvidos na prática de tal atividade publicitária e seus impactos. Por fim, serão
avaliadas a abordagem dos diplomas legais brasileiros acerca das questões atuais envolvendo a
responsabilidade civil do influenciador digital, como se dá essa responsabilização e qual é o
entendimento da jurisprudência acerca dessas questões.
This monograph seeks to analyze aspects of contemporary society, specifically those related to influence marketing, a major current advertising trend, since digital influencers are increasingly present and active in the advertising world, in the market and in the society, as well as the impacts of such advertising practice on the legal relations addressed by the homeland legislation. That is, the present work will seek to portray the legal repercussions of the advertising carried out by the digital influencer, mainly in the scope of civil liability and in the contractual scope. To this end, influence marketing and its legal aspects will be analyzed in detail, as well as its adaptation and application to the digital age and social networks and its regulation. Having overcome these primordial questions, the contractual aspects involved in the practice of such advertising activity and its impacts will be studied and discussed, also in detail. Finally, the approach of Brazilian legal diplomas on current issues involving the civil liability of the digital influencer will be evaluated, as well as how this liability occurs, and what is the understanding of the jurisprudence about these issues.
This monograph seeks to analyze aspects of contemporary society, specifically those related to influence marketing, a major current advertising trend, since digital influencers are increasingly present and active in the advertising world, in the market and in the society, as well as the impacts of such advertising practice on the legal relations addressed by the homeland legislation. That is, the present work will seek to portray the legal repercussions of the advertising carried out by the digital influencer, mainly in the scope of civil liability and in the contractual scope. To this end, influence marketing and its legal aspects will be analyzed in detail, as well as its adaptation and application to the digital age and social networks and its regulation. Having overcome these primordial questions, the contractual aspects involved in the practice of such advertising activity and its impacts will be studied and discussed, also in detail. Finally, the approach of Brazilian legal diplomas on current issues involving the civil liability of the digital influencer will be evaluated, as well as how this liability occurs, and what is the understanding of the jurisprudence about these issues.
marketing de influência , influenciadores digitais , publicidade , contrato de publicidade , influence marketing , digital influencers , advertising , advertising contract