Medidas executivas atípicas: uma reflexão sobre os limites do Art. 139, IV, do CPC
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Sousa, André Vitor Alves
Fernandes, Luis Eduardo Simardi
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A execução civil no Brasil é um tema que desperta a atenção de estudiosos e pro-fissionais do direito, especialmente em razão dos desafios enfrentados para torná-la efetiva. A morosidade do processo e a baixa taxa de efetivação são problemas recorrentes que geram im-pactos negativos tanto para os credores quanto para os devedores. Nesse contexto, medidas atípicas, como as previstas no artigo 139, IV, do Código de Processo Civil (CPC), têm se mos-trado uma alternativa necessária e bem-vinda para garantir a efetividade da execução. Entre-tanto, é preciso considerar que a ausência de limitação nesse dispositivo pode gerar insegurança jurídica e conflitos interpretativos. Diante desse cenário, este artigo se propõe a analisar os limites do artigo 139, IV, do CPC, com o objetivo de verificar até que ponto essas medidas atípicas são efetivas e se sua utilização pode ser considerada uma solução adequada para os problemas da execução civil no Brasil. As análises do estudo foram realizadas por meio de levantamento bibliográfico
Civil execution in Brazil is a subject that draws the attention of scholars and legal professionals, especially due to the challenges faced in making it effective. The slowness of the process and the low rate of enforcement are recurring problems that generate negative impacts for both creditors and debtors. In this context, atypical measures, such as those provided for in article 139, IV, of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code (CPC), have proven to be a necessary and welcome alternative to ensure the effectiveness of execution. However, it is necessary to consider that the absence of limitations in this provision may generate legal uncertainty and interpretative conflicts. In this scenario, this article aims to analyze the limits of article 139, IV, of the CPC, in order to verify to what extent these atypical measures are effective and whether their use can be considered an adequate solution to the problems of civil execution in Brazil.
Civil execution in Brazil is a subject that draws the attention of scholars and legal professionals, especially due to the challenges faced in making it effective. The slowness of the process and the low rate of enforcement are recurring problems that generate negative impacts for both creditors and debtors. In this context, atypical measures, such as those provided for in article 139, IV, of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code (CPC), have proven to be a necessary and welcome alternative to ensure the effectiveness of execution. However, it is necessary to consider that the absence of limitations in this provision may generate legal uncertainty and interpretative conflicts. In this scenario, this article aims to analyze the limits of article 139, IV, of the CPC, in order to verify to what extent these atypical measures are effective and whether their use can be considered an adequate solution to the problems of civil execution in Brazil.
medidas executivas atípicas , execução civil , artigo 139, IV , CPC , atypical measures , brazilian civil execution , section 139, IV of the CPC , power of court