A (re) significação do mundo: um olhar sobre atividades estético-culturais dos moradores de calçada

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Pilan, Hânia Cecília
Giora, Regina Célia Faria Amaro
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Souza Neto, João Clemente de
Pazinato, Patricia
Stori, Norberto
Bernardo, Patricia Pinna
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the everyday life narratives of Sao Paulo's sidewalk residents and its (Re) meanings that enter the field of aesthetic needs. The human being is complex and at the same time transparent, desiring to be someone significant, uses mechanisms to survive as an individual among the society. And, when excluded from the group to which he belongs, he necessarily must (Re) mean, in order to join a new group. In the case of sidewalk residents, this action is exacerbated, becoming more evident the necessity of expression and the use of archetypes in the battle against invisibility within their social group and if possible, achieving to stand out among his peers. The narratives, conducted through interviews, allowed penetrate into a parallel world where neither time has the same value and setting as we were used to. In order to understand the narratives of this (Re) meaning world daily and achieve the proposed objectives, it was used as a theoretical study of social representations, with the cultural-historical psychology foundations, depth psychology and art contexts and concepts. Supported by these bibliographical sources, documentary, and especially in the participatory field research, it was possible to articulate a discussion of the aesthetic needs of the sidewalk's residents in their socio-historical context and their need to (re) signification. Among the various analyzed, we have chosen four main characters for their sensible aesthetic productions, which demonstrate the social segment in which they belong, to be analysis objects of their (RE) meanings. Among them, we were able to find heroes, faithful man, poets, painters, performers, bricoleurs, who have art as their mainspring of their social development, presenting archetypes to (Re) mean their world.
ressignificação , arquétipo , criatividade , exclusão , estética , arte , morador de calçada , morador de rua , re-signification , archetype , creativity , exclusion , esthetic , arte , dweller sidewalk , neighbor street
Assuntos Scopus
PILAN, Hânia Cecília. A (re) significação do mundo: um olhar sobre atividades estético-culturais dos moradores de calçada. 2012. 308 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação, Arte e História) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.