Monopólio natural ou monopólio intencional? um estudo sobre os controles dos mercados de gás natural e energia elétrica brasileiros
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Santos, Júlio Tiago dos
Petean, Fabiano Augusto
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O trabalho propõe uma análise em perspectiva comparada entre os mercados de energia elétrica e de gás natural brasileiros, visando identificar estruturas monopolísticas presentes em comum ou de forma acentuada em um ou em outro mercado. Identificando-se os dois mercados como economias de escala e com segmentos que se constituem como monopólios naturais, visa-se apontar as ações do regulador no sentido de mitigar tais relações e promover a concorrência onde cabível. Onde há domínio de mercado, o trabalho visa identificar as condutas anticompetitivas realizadas e os efeitos na concorrência.
The work proposes a comparative perspective analysis between the Brazilian electricity and natural gas markets, aiming to identify monopolistic structures present in common or in an accentuated way in one or the other market. Identifying the two markets as economies of scale and with segments that constitute themselves as natural monopolies, the aim is to indicate the actions of the regulator to mitigate such relations and promote competition where applicable. Where there is market dominance, the work aims to identify the anti-competitive behavior implemented and the effects on competition.
The work proposes a comparative perspective analysis between the Brazilian electricity and natural gas markets, aiming to identify monopolistic structures present in common or in an accentuated way in one or the other market. Identifying the two markets as economies of scale and with segments that constitute themselves as natural monopolies, the aim is to indicate the actions of the regulator to mitigate such relations and promote competition where applicable. Where there is market dominance, the work aims to identify the anti-competitive behavior implemented and the effects on competition.
energia elétrica , gás natural , monopólio natural , recusa em contratar , electricity , natural gas , natural monopoly , refusal to contract