Liberdade de expressão e discurso de ódio
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Melo, Bruno Eduardo Andrade e
Rodrigues, Geisa de Assis
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A liberdade de expressão está diretamente ligada a outros direitos fundamentais,
como a dignidade da pessoa humana. Pois nas relações sociais de atualmente, e o contexto
multicultural em que vivemos, há de se estabelecer certas restrições a algumas formas de
expressão. Atualmente, principalmente em ambientes digitais, o discurso de ódio e até mesmo
preconceito estão sendo disfarçados com um preceito constitucionalmente defendido e
garantido, que também é considerado pilar da democracia, tendo em vista tempos obscuros que
a sociedade passou com a privação da liberdade de expressão. No presente artigo busca-se
discutir a possibilidade de limitar o direito à liberdade de expressão em face do discurso de
ódio, essencialmente no âmbito digital. O trabalho se baseia em uma revisão bibliográfica, de
metodologia qualitativa, dedutiva e explicativa, com foco no caráter subjetivo da bibliografia
analisada. Conforme exposto no decorrer do trabalho, foi possível compreender que o discurso
de ódio é largamente confundido com liberdade de expressão, princípio basilar de um Estado
Democrático de Direito, bem como instituto fundamental para a felicidade da espécie humana.
As plataformas digitais de interação social, possuem um conceito bem definido sobre o discurso
de ódio, e o seu distanciamento da liberdade de expressão, e sobre suas penalidades para quem
infringir as normas das comunidades, porém o controle das manifestações odiosas depende de
ações humanas para avaliar o conteúdo, o que acaba ocasionando grande demora nas resoluções
desses conflitos.
Freedom of expression is directly linked to other fundamental rights, such as the dignity of the human person. For in the social relations of today, and the multicultural context in which we live, certain restrictions on some forms of expression must be established. Currently, especially in digital environments, hate speech and even prejudice are being disguised with a constitutionally defended and guaranteed precept, which is also considered a pillar of democracy, given the dark times that society has experienced with the deprivation of freedom of expression. . This article seeks to discuss the possibility of limiting the right to freedom of expression in the face of hate speech, essentially in the digital sphere. The work is based on a bibliographic review, with qualitative, deductive and explanatory methodology, focusing on the subjective character of the analyzed bibliography. As exposed in the course of the work, it was possible to understand that hate speech is widely confused with freedom of expression, the basic principle of a Democratic State of Law, as well as a fundamental institute for the happiness of the human species. The digital platforms of social interaction, have a welldefined concept about hate speech, and their distance from freedom of expression, and about their penalties for those who violate the norms of communities, however the control of odious manifestations depends on human actions evaluate the content, which ends up causing great delay in resolving these conflicts.
Freedom of expression is directly linked to other fundamental rights, such as the dignity of the human person. For in the social relations of today, and the multicultural context in which we live, certain restrictions on some forms of expression must be established. Currently, especially in digital environments, hate speech and even prejudice are being disguised with a constitutionally defended and guaranteed precept, which is also considered a pillar of democracy, given the dark times that society has experienced with the deprivation of freedom of expression. . This article seeks to discuss the possibility of limiting the right to freedom of expression in the face of hate speech, essentially in the digital sphere. The work is based on a bibliographic review, with qualitative, deductive and explanatory methodology, focusing on the subjective character of the analyzed bibliography. As exposed in the course of the work, it was possible to understand that hate speech is widely confused with freedom of expression, the basic principle of a Democratic State of Law, as well as a fundamental institute for the happiness of the human species. The digital platforms of social interaction, have a welldefined concept about hate speech, and their distance from freedom of expression, and about their penalties for those who violate the norms of communities, however the control of odious manifestations depends on human actions evaluate the content, which ends up causing great delay in resolving these conflicts.
liberdade de expressão , discurso de ódio , anonimato na Internet , limites da liberdade de expressão , freedom of speech , hate speech , anonymity on the internet , limits on freedom of expression