Os limites da atuação individual dos credores não sujeitos aos efeitos da recuperação judicial e o princípio da preservação da empresa
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Lira, Isabela Vieira
Melo, Cinira Gomes Lima
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Membros da banca
A presente monografia parte do estudo da previsão na Lei 11.101/2005 das hipóteses de não sujeição dos créditos aos efeitos da recuperação judicial sob a ótica do princípio da preservação da empresa. Será explorada a “universalidade” do juízo da recuperação judicial diante a previsão de suspensão das ações e execuções movidas em face da empresa em recuperação judicial por 180 (cento e oitenta) dias e as interpretações feitas pela jurisprudência acerca da referida previsão legal. Dada a impossibilidade de retomada dos bens de titularidade do empresário em recuperação judicial, serão explorados os conceitos e parâmetros para caracterização do bem de capital essencial e os bens considerados essenciais á manutenção das atividades das empresas recuperandas. Ademais, serão tratadas as aparentes incongruências presentes na Lei 11.101/2005 e a concepção adotada por alguns doutrinadores acerca da possibilidade da sujeição de todas as dívidas ao Plano de Recuperação Judicial.
This monograph starts from the study of the forecast in Law 11.101 / 2005 of the hypotheses of not subjecting the credits to the effects of judicial recovery from the perspective of the principle of preservation of the company. The “universality” of the judicial reorganization judgment will be explored in view of the expectation of suspension of the lawsuits and executions filed against the company in judicial recovery for 180 (one hundred and eighty) days and the interpretations made by the jurisprudence regarding the referred legal provision. Given the impossibility of repossessing the assets owned by the entrepreneur in judicial reorganization, the concepts and parameters for characterization of the essential capital asset and the assets considered essential for the maintenance of the activities of the recovering companies will be explored. In addition, the apparent inconsistencies in Law 11.101 / 2005 and the view taken by some indoctrinators regarding the possibility of subjecting all debts to the Judicial Recovery Plan will be addressed.
This monograph starts from the study of the forecast in Law 11.101 / 2005 of the hypotheses of not subjecting the credits to the effects of judicial recovery from the perspective of the principle of preservation of the company. The “universality” of the judicial reorganization judgment will be explored in view of the expectation of suspension of the lawsuits and executions filed against the company in judicial recovery for 180 (one hundred and eighty) days and the interpretations made by the jurisprudence regarding the referred legal provision. Given the impossibility of repossessing the assets owned by the entrepreneur in judicial reorganization, the concepts and parameters for characterization of the essential capital asset and the assets considered essential for the maintenance of the activities of the recovering companies will be explored. In addition, the apparent inconsistencies in Law 11.101 / 2005 and the view taken by some indoctrinators regarding the possibility of subjecting all debts to the Judicial Recovery Plan will be addressed.
bem essencial , créditos não sujeitos , direito comercial , garantias fiduciárias , recuperação judicial , preservação da empresa , essential goods , non-subject credits , commercial law , fiduciary guarantees , judicial recovery , company preservation