A família no direito brasileiro
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Rodrigues, Vitor Augusto Faustini
Scalquette, Ana Cláudia Silva
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo entender como o direto regula e define a família, presente na sociedade desde o início de sua formação, e de que forma ele se adequa às constantes mudanças sociais que afetam essa importante instituição social. Surgindo inicialmente como uma forma de organização social, a família passou a ter um caráter patrimonial e patriarcal no direito romano, e com sua formalização, à partir do casamento, um caráter indissolúvel. Com a regulamentação do divórcio, novas configurações familiares tornaram-se possíveis, em conformidade com os anseios sociais. A Constituição Federal de 1988 apresentou duas figuras novas no direito de família brasileiro, a união estável e a família monoparental. Assim, a família não era mais formada unicamente pelo casamento, abrindo-se o caminho para novas entidades familiares. A partir de importantes evoluções, a sociedade começou a deixar de lado certos conceitos arcaicos, e passou a admitir a união entre pessoas do mesmo sexo. Houve também o reconhecimento do afeto como importante gerador para a filiação e a constituição da família.
This paper aims to understand how the Law regulates and defines the family, present in society since the beginning of its formation, and how it adapts to the constant social changes that affect this important social institution. Initially emerging as a form of social organization, the family began to have a patrimonial and patriarchal character in Roman Law, and with its formalization, after marriage, an indissoluble characteristic. With divorce regulation, new family configurations became possible in line with social aspirations. The Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 introduced two new figures in Brazilian Family Law, the common-law marriage and the single-parent family. Thus, the family was no longer formed solely by marriage, paving the way for new family entities. From important developments, society began to set aside certain archaic concepts, and began to admit same-sex union. Affection was also recognized as an important generator for family affiliation and constitution.
This paper aims to understand how the Law regulates and defines the family, present in society since the beginning of its formation, and how it adapts to the constant social changes that affect this important social institution. Initially emerging as a form of social organization, the family began to have a patrimonial and patriarchal character in Roman Law, and with its formalization, after marriage, an indissoluble characteristic. With divorce regulation, new family configurations became possible in line with social aspirations. The Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 introduced two new figures in Brazilian Family Law, the common-law marriage and the single-parent family. Thus, the family was no longer formed solely by marriage, paving the way for new family entities. From important developments, society began to set aside certain archaic concepts, and began to admit same-sex union. Affection was also recognized as an important generator for family affiliation and constitution.
direito de família , união estável , família homoafetiva , família socioafetiva , family law , common-law marriage , homosexual family , socio-affective family