O tratamento dado aos povos indígenas brasileiros durante a pandemia de Covid-19 e seu possível enquadramento como crime contra a humanidade perante o tribunal penal internacional
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Jorge, Gabriela Haddad Gosson
Mahlke, Helisane
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A presente pesquisa nasce a partir do seguinte questionamento: a resposta do governo
brasileiro em relação à pandemia da Covid-19 nas populações indígenas poderia ser considerada crime
contra a humanidade, nos termos do Estatuto de Roma? O ensaio é construído sob a ótica do direito
internacional e dos direitos humanos, iniciando-se com uma breve apresentação do Tribunal Penal
Internacional, o contexto de sua criação, sua estrutura, e funcionamento; em seguida retoma as
medidas adotadas pelas autoridades responsáveis pela proteção e saúde indígenas desde março de
2020; e se encerra com uma análise da relação entre tais medidas e o agravamento do sofrimento,
físico e mental, dos povos indígenas brasileiros, sob a ótica da existência de um ataque generalizado e
sistemático à essa população, perpetrado pelas autoridades federais responsáveis.
The present study emerges from the following question: the Brazilian government response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the indiginous populations could be considered a crime against humanity as contemplated in the Rome Statute? The essay, which is written under the scope of international law and human rights, begins with a brief introduction to the International Criminal Court, its historical context, structure, and means of operation; goes through a recollection of the measures taken by the federal authorities responsible for the health and overall protection of the indiginous people since March 2020; and finds its conclusion in an analysis of the connection between said measures and the increase of the physical and mental suffering of the brazilian indigenous people, under the optics of the existence of a general and systematic attack of these populations, perpetrated by federal authorities.
The present study emerges from the following question: the Brazilian government response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the indiginous populations could be considered a crime against humanity as contemplated in the Rome Statute? The essay, which is written under the scope of international law and human rights, begins with a brief introduction to the International Criminal Court, its historical context, structure, and means of operation; goes through a recollection of the measures taken by the federal authorities responsible for the health and overall protection of the indiginous people since March 2020; and finds its conclusion in an analysis of the connection between said measures and the increase of the physical and mental suffering of the brazilian indigenous people, under the optics of the existence of a general and systematic attack of these populations, perpetrated by federal authorities.
povos indígenas , pandemia , crimes contra a humanidade , indigenous people , pandemic , crimes against humanity