Os egressos do PROUNI e cotas no mercado de trabalho: uma inclusăo possível?
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Geraldo, Aparecida das Graças
Tancredi, Regina Maria Simões Puccinelli
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Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
Pagotto, Maria Dalva Silva
Pagotto, Maria Dalva Silva
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This study aims at analyzing two Affirmative Action Programs: (1) University for All Program PROUNI (in private institutions) and, (2) System of Preferred Admissions, Quotas, (private institutions that reserve 50% of the vacancies for Negroes and afro descendents social and racial aspects). These programs were created to facilitate and promote the admission of students from less favored social and economic classes in university level courses. These students come from public schools or have full scholarships in private high schools. In more details, we try to understand, from the point of view of students who graduated, how the Affirmative Action Programs have contributed for them to become part of the labor market, as the Programs are intended to help overcome social barriers. In order to reach this objective, 15 students were interviewed; 7 who were granted PROUNI scholarship, 7 were granted COTAS scholarship, and 1 was granted both PROUNI and COTAS. The theoretical framework was composed basically by the Brazilian laws, mainly those referring to education and the historical process of inclusion in Brazil (main focus on schooling). The results indicated that the Programs studied were important for those who took part in the study, as they helped bring a better understanding of the world and the society, developing criticality and self-esteem. Regarding the insertion in the labor market, the programs didn t meet the students expectations because they kept their old jobs which were not related to the academic field they graduated.
políticas públicas educacionais , ações afirmativas no ensino superior , PROUNI , cotas , inserção no mercado de trabalho , educational public policies , affirmative actions in university , PROUNI , quotas , insertion in labor market