A pesquisa científica com células-tronco e a necessidade de um estatuto jurídico do embrião
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Dumont, Anna Laura Moreira
Rocha, Renata da
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Diante da ausência de legislação que regule as pesquisas científicas com células-tronco - que são capazes de se multiplicar e se transformar em outras células e que por isso se tornaram objeto de profundo interesse da comunidade médica no que tange pesquisas, tratamentos e cura de doenças do século, como câncer, mal de Parkinson, Alzheimer e doenças degenerativas e cardíacas -, urge a necessidade da criação de um arcabouço jurídico mais robusto para disciplinar a temática, haja vista que há problemáticas advindas dessa questão, tal como: o que será feito com os embriões excedentes da fertilização in vitro ou como é possível no âmbito jurídico assegurar os direitos das células embrionárias a fim de salvar vidas. Destarte, o objetivo da presente pesquisa é verificar quais leis regulamentam o uso de células-tronco, hodiernamente no Brasil, e de que forma se pode avançar nesse assunto.
Given the absence of legislation that regulates scientific research with stem cells - which are capable of multiplying and transforming into other cells and which therefore have become the object of deep interest of the medical community regarding research, treatments and cure of diseases of the century, such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and degenerative and cardiac diseases -, there is an urgent need to create a more robust legal framework to discipline the theme, given that there are problems arising from this issue, such as: what will be done with the surplus embryos of in vitro fertilization or as It is possible in the legal sphere to ensure the rights of embryonic cells in order to save lives. Thus, the objective of this research is to verify which laws regulate the use of stem cells, nowadays in Brazil, and how one can advance in this matter.
Given the absence of legislation that regulates scientific research with stem cells - which are capable of multiplying and transforming into other cells and which therefore have become the object of deep interest of the medical community regarding research, treatments and cure of diseases of the century, such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and degenerative and cardiac diseases -, there is an urgent need to create a more robust legal framework to discipline the theme, given that there are problems arising from this issue, such as: what will be done with the surplus embryos of in vitro fertilization or as It is possible in the legal sphere to ensure the rights of embryonic cells in order to save lives. Thus, the objective of this research is to verify which laws regulate the use of stem cells, nowadays in Brazil, and how one can advance in this matter.
células-tronco , pesquisa científica , embrião , células embrionárias , stem cells , scientific research , embryo , embryonic cells