A responsabilização do sócio beneficiário final como mecanismo de reparação e prevenção às violações aos direitos humanos por empresas transnacionais
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Motta, Guilherme Yago de Oliveira
Melo, Cinira Gomes Lima
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Este trabalho objetiva analisar e contribuir para a discussão acerca do surgimento e da
atuação das Empresas Transnacionais, que a partir de um controle centralizado, geralmente
estabelecido em países desenvolvidos, ramificam sua atuação em outros territórios em busca de
menor custo com capital humano, maiores recursos ambientais e facilidade de negociar com o
governo local, assim como o seu papel enquanto novos agentes de violações aos Direitos
Humanos, ratificando, assim, com a importância do estudo cobre o desenvolvimento de
mecanismos de responsabilização como forma de prevenir e reparar os danos decorrentes da
atuação dessas empresas, bem como demonstrar o obstáculo causado pela formação das
complexas estruturas societárias desse grupo empresarial, que facilita a fuga de capital e,
consequentemente, dificulta o acesso à reparação às vítimas que tiveram seus direitos violados.
A partir disso, o trabalho pretende discutir o instituto do sócio Beneficiário Final, pessoa
natural que detém ou controla as Empresas Transnacionais, no contexto da transparência, para
verificar a existência de liâme jurídico para utilização das informações relativas ao sócio
Beneficiário Final que permitam a imputação de responsabilidade patrimonial a ele(s), como
mecanismo de reparação e prevenção às violações perpetradas pelas empresas transnacionais.
This monography intends to analyze and contribute to the discussion about the appearance and performance of the Transnational Corporations, which from a centralized management, usually located in developed nations, expand their activities to other nations searching for lower human resources costs, greater environmental resources, and easier negotiations with the local government, as well as their role as new agents of Human Rights violations, thus ratify the importance of the study covers the development of accountability mechanisms as preventing and repairing damages resulting thereof, as well as demonstrating the obstacles from the formation of the complex corporate structure of this group, which facilitates the capital scape and, consequently, difficult to access to the reparation for victims who had their rights violated. Therefore, this monography aims to discuss the institute of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner, natural person who owns or controls the Transnational Companies, in the context of Tax Transparency, in order to verify the existence of liam for the use of those information that allow the imputationof the liability to them, as a mechanism for repairing and preventing the violations perpetrated by the Transnacional Companies.
This monography intends to analyze and contribute to the discussion about the appearance and performance of the Transnational Corporations, which from a centralized management, usually located in developed nations, expand their activities to other nations searching for lower human resources costs, greater environmental resources, and easier negotiations with the local government, as well as their role as new agents of Human Rights violations, thus ratify the importance of the study covers the development of accountability mechanisms as preventing and repairing damages resulting thereof, as well as demonstrating the obstacles from the formation of the complex corporate structure of this group, which facilitates the capital scape and, consequently, difficult to access to the reparation for victims who had their rights violated. Therefore, this monography aims to discuss the institute of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner, natural person who owns or controls the Transnational Companies, in the context of Tax Transparency, in order to verify the existence of liam for the use of those information that allow the imputationof the liability to them, as a mechanism for repairing and preventing the violations perpetrated by the Transnacional Companies.
empresas transnacionais , direitos humanos , sócio beneficiário final , responsabilidade civil , transnational companies , human rights , ultimate beneficial owner , civil responsibility