Análise dos aspectos legais da recuperação judicial do empresário produtor rural pessoa física
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D’Alleva, Bruno Henrique Orsi
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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Membros da banca
A elaboração do presente estudo procura fornecer um olhar aprofundado sobre os
principais pontos da discussão que envolve a possibilidade de concessão de
recuperação judicial ao empresário produtor rural pessoa física. Embasando-se pela
doutrina e jurisprudência e apoiando-se na Lei de Recuperação Judicial e no Código
Civil, o trabalho tem início com introdução sobre o direito falimentar e sua importância
econômica. Em sequência, serão analisadas as mais variadas disposições sobre o
assunto, partindo de sua conceituação, passando pelas controvérsias da natureza do
registro do produtor perante a junta comercial, bem como comprovação de tempo de
exercício da atividade rural empresarial, e findando com a análise de projetos de lei
que buscam alterar a legislação civil e recuperacional vigente, buscando sintetizar
todo o entendimento doutrinário e jurisprudencial favorável ao produtor rural que vem
sendo produzido nos últimos dois anos. Dessa forma, o trabalho traz recortes do mais
recente entendimento estabelecido pela doutrina e jurisprudência brasileira referente
ao debate da recuperação judicial do produtor rural, exibindo posicionamentos de
variadas vertentes e buscando modelar um raciocínio único para uma crescente
The preparation of this study seeks to provide an in-depth look at the main points of the discussion that involves the possibility of granting judicial recovery to the individual rural producer entrepreneur. Based on doctrine and jurisprudence and supported by the Judicial Reorganization Law and the Civil Code, the work begins with an introduction to bankruptcy law and its economic importance. In sequence, the most diverse provisions on the subject will be analyzed, starting from its conceptualization, going through the controversies of the nature of the registration of the producer before a commercial board, as well as proof of time of exercise of rural business activity, ending with the analysis of proposed bill that seek to change the current civil and recovery legislation, seeking to synthesize all the doctrinal and jurisprudential understanding favorable to the rural producer that has been produced in the last two years. Therefore, the work brings clippings of the most recent understanding established by Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence referring to the debate on the judicial recovery of rural producers, exhibiting positions of varied aspects and seeking to model a unique reasoning for a growing demand.
The preparation of this study seeks to provide an in-depth look at the main points of the discussion that involves the possibility of granting judicial recovery to the individual rural producer entrepreneur. Based on doctrine and jurisprudence and supported by the Judicial Reorganization Law and the Civil Code, the work begins with an introduction to bankruptcy law and its economic importance. In sequence, the most diverse provisions on the subject will be analyzed, starting from its conceptualization, going through the controversies of the nature of the registration of the producer before a commercial board, as well as proof of time of exercise of rural business activity, ending with the analysis of proposed bill that seek to change the current civil and recovery legislation, seeking to synthesize all the doctrinal and jurisprudential understanding favorable to the rural producer that has been produced in the last two years. Therefore, the work brings clippings of the most recent understanding established by Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence referring to the debate on the judicial recovery of rural producers, exhibiting positions of varied aspects and seeking to model a unique reasoning for a growing demand.
recuperação judicial , produtor rural pessoa física , lei n.º 11.101/05 , judicial recovery , individual rural producer , law no. 11.101/05