Marco civil da internet: a adequação do artigo 19 na responsabilização de provedores de aplicações de internet
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Souza, Anna Beatriz Gebara de
Neiva, Maria Rita Braga De Siqueira
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A primeira lei brasileira redigida com o objetivo específico de regulamentar o território novo e
incerto da internet foi o Marco Civil da Internet (“Lei nº 12.965/2014”). Como tal, tornou-se
alvo de grandes debates e argumentos, especialmente no tocante à priorização da liberdade de
expressão em suas disposições. Um dos temas mais discutidos no contexto do Marco Civil da
Internet atualmente, tendo em vista tal primazia, é a responsabilidade civil dos provedores de
aplicações de internet pelo conteúdo danoso publicado pelos usuários de suas plataformas. Seu
controverso artigo 19 somente imputa tal responsabilidade, em regra, na medida em que os
provedores de aplicações falhem em cumprir ordens judiciais requerendo a remoção de tal
conteúdo. Neste trabalho, objetiva-se analisar quão adequada é a instituição do artigo 19 no
contexto social brasileiro, por meio da análise da doutrina e da jurisprudência correlatas.
The first Brazilian law created with the specific purpose of regulating the new and uncertain territory of the Internet was the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (“Marco Civil da Internet - Law No. 12,965/2014”). As such, it has become the target of great debates and arguments, especially regarding the prioritization of freedom of speech in its provisions. Currently, one of the most discussed topics in the context of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, in light of such precedence, is the civil liability of Internet application providers for harmful content published by users of their platforms. Its controversial article 19 only imputes said liability, as a rule, to the extent that application providers fail to comply with court orders requiring the removal of harmful content. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the adequacy of the institution of article 19 in the Brazilian social context, through the analysis of the related legal understandings and case law.
The first Brazilian law created with the specific purpose of regulating the new and uncertain territory of the Internet was the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (“Marco Civil da Internet - Law No. 12,965/2014”). As such, it has become the target of great debates and arguments, especially regarding the prioritization of freedom of speech in its provisions. Currently, one of the most discussed topics in the context of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, in light of such precedence, is the civil liability of Internet application providers for harmful content published by users of their platforms. Its controversial article 19 only imputes said liability, as a rule, to the extent that application providers fail to comply with court orders requiring the removal of harmful content. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the adequacy of the institution of article 19 in the Brazilian social context, through the analysis of the related legal understandings and case law.
marco civil da internet , provedores de aplicações de internet , liberdade de expressão , brazilian civil rights framework for the internet , internet application providers , freedom of speech