Poder judiciário e poder executivo: caso ramagem - conflito entre poderes
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Orlandi, João Vítor Paduan
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
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A presente pesquisa propõe analisar, a luz do Caso Ramagem, nomeado pelo Presidente da República, Chefe de Estado e de Governo, para a função Diretor-Geral da Polícia Federal, tendo sido a nomeação suspensa pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, por força de Mandado de Segurança impetrado pelo Partido Democrático Trabalhista (Mandado de Segurança coletivo número 37.079), de modo a identificar se o caso proposto, a luz do recorte metodológico, hora apresentado, se constitui invasão de função por um Poder sobre o outro (ato interna corporis do Poder Executivo) ou se temos na hipótese exercício pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal de competência que lhe é reservada pela Constituição Federal, no artigo 102. Analisando as legalidades e ritos processuais realizados durante a avaliação e decisão do Mandado de segurança coletivo.
This research proposes to analyse, in the light of the Ramagem Case, appointed by the President of the Republic, Head of State and Government, for the role of Director General of the Federal Police, the appointment having been suspended by the Supreme Court, pursuant to a Mandate of Security filed by the Democratic Labour Party (Collective Security Warrant number 37.079), in order to identify whether the proposed case, in the light of the methodological approach, presented at the time, constitutes an invasion of function by one power over the other (act interna corporis of power executive) or if we have, in the hypothesis, exercise by the Federal Supreme Court of competence reserved to it by Federal Constitution, in article 102. Analysing the legalities and procedural rites carried out during the evaluation and decision of the collective writ of mandamus.
This research proposes to analyse, in the light of the Ramagem Case, appointed by the President of the Republic, Head of State and Government, for the role of Director General of the Federal Police, the appointment having been suspended by the Supreme Court, pursuant to a Mandate of Security filed by the Democratic Labour Party (Collective Security Warrant number 37.079), in order to identify whether the proposed case, in the light of the methodological approach, presented at the time, constitutes an invasion of function by one power over the other (act interna corporis of power executive) or if we have, in the hypothesis, exercise by the Federal Supreme Court of competence reserved to it by Federal Constitution, in article 102. Analysing the legalities and procedural rites carried out during the evaluation and decision of the collective writ of mandamus.
tripartição de poderes , Supremo Tribunal Federal , poder judiciário , poder executivo , tripartition of powers , Federal Court of Justice , judicial power , executive power