Aspectos éticos das pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos sem plena capacidade civil
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Schlecht, Marina Bittencourt Granjo
Zocratto, Sergio de Souza
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Na segunda metade do século XX, com avanço dos meios de comunicação
e informação, a humanidade tomou conhecimento das barbáries cometidas pelos
médicos nazistas com suas experimentações científicas. O abalo foi tamanho que
culminou na criação do Código de Nuremberg, precursor das diretrizes éticas para as
pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Tais disposições, atualmente estão presentes
no ordenamento jurídico da maioria dos Estados de todo o mundo, incluindo o Brasil.
No entanto, diante do irrefreável avanço nas áreas da biotecnologia e da biomedicina,
é imprescindível que as normas relacionadas a estes temas passem constantemente
por revisões e alterações, sempre em observância aos princípios da bioética e do
biodireito, bem como à preservação da dignidade da pessoa humana e do valor ético
da vida, principalmente, daqueles que precisam de maiores proteção do Estado. Essa
observação propõe reflexão necessária, à luz dos princípios da bioética e do biodireito,
sobre até que ponto a legislação do Estado brasileiro, mais especificamente a
Resolução do Conselho Nacional de Saúde nº 466 de 12 de dezembro de 2012
garante a observação das diretrizes éticas nas pesquisas cientificas envolvendo seres
humanos que não possuem plena capacidade civil de acordo com o ordenamento
jurídico do país.
In the second half of the 20th century, due to the advance of the media systems of communication and information, humanity took notice of the barbarism committed by the Nazi doctors with their scientific experiments. The shock was such that it culminated the creation of the Nuremberg Code, a precursor to ethical guidelines for research involving human beings. Such provisions are currently present in the legal system of most States around the world, including Brazil. However, due to the unstoppable progress in the areas of biotechnology and biomedicine, it is necessary that the norms related to these themes undergo constant revisions and changes, always in compliance with the principles of bioethics and bio-law, and with the preservation of the dignity of human being, and with the ethical value of life, especially of those who need greater protection from the State. This observation proposes a necessary reflection, in the light of the principles of bioethics and bio-law and how the legislation of the Brazilian State, more specifically the Resolution of the National Health Council No. 466 of December 12, 2012, guarantees the observance of ethical guidelines in scientific research involving human beings who do not have full civil capacity in accordance with the country's legal system.
In the second half of the 20th century, due to the advance of the media systems of communication and information, humanity took notice of the barbarism committed by the Nazi doctors with their scientific experiments. The shock was such that it culminated the creation of the Nuremberg Code, a precursor to ethical guidelines for research involving human beings. Such provisions are currently present in the legal system of most States around the world, including Brazil. However, due to the unstoppable progress in the areas of biotechnology and biomedicine, it is necessary that the norms related to these themes undergo constant revisions and changes, always in compliance with the principles of bioethics and bio-law, and with the preservation of the dignity of human being, and with the ethical value of life, especially of those who need greater protection from the State. This observation proposes a necessary reflection, in the light of the principles of bioethics and bio-law and how the legislation of the Brazilian State, more specifically the Resolution of the National Health Council No. 466 of December 12, 2012, guarantees the observance of ethical guidelines in scientific research involving human beings who do not have full civil capacity in accordance with the country's legal system.
bioética , biodireito , capacidade civil , autonomia , bioethics , bio-law , civil capacity , autonomy