Sucessão internacional de bens – o destino dos bens situados no exterior e de propriedade de brasileiros domiciliados no Brasil
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Moraes, Steffany Queiroz de
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo sobre a cotidianidade de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva - UTI, onde procedimentos invasivos e com grande risco de morte são realizados, como a intubação orotraqueal, que será discutido de forma específica nesta oportunidade. A análise apresenta como o Direito Civil e Criminal se posicionam a respeito da hierarquia de vontades, ou seja, como é valorada a autonomia de vontade do paciente, da família do paciente e a relação com os deveres éticos dos profissionais da medicina. Por fim, um comparativo de todo o disposto com as aplicações em situações de calamidade pública, como a provocada pela pandemia do COVID-19 mostra que essa questão se apresenta muito mais ampla e que precisa de amparos importantes e específicos para cada caso.
This article discusses the succession of assets, more specifically, the succession of assets that are located abroad. Through bibliographic and documentary research, it was possible to verify who is considered an heir, how the inventory and the sharing of assets occurs from the perspective of Brazilian legislation. From that point on, the jurisdictional limits of our legislation were highlighted, ending with the conditions of Brazilian Law in view of the social evolution that has happened through globalization. It was then possible to understand through the results that Brazilian law is still confused and far behind global evolution.
This article discusses the succession of assets, more specifically, the succession of assets that are located abroad. Through bibliographic and documentary research, it was possible to verify who is considered an heir, how the inventory and the sharing of assets occurs from the perspective of Brazilian legislation. From that point on, the jurisdictional limits of our legislation were highlighted, ending with the conditions of Brazilian Law in view of the social evolution that has happened through globalization. It was then possible to understand through the results that Brazilian law is still confused and far behind global evolution.
ética , responsabilização médica , autonomia da vontade , Covid-19 , succession law , succession of assets abroad , inheritance of foreign goods , inventory and sharing