Associação entre desempenho acadêmico no SARESP e fatores familiares e socioeconômicos dos alunos do ensino fundamental I das escolas estaduais de São Paulo

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Arruda, Zoraide Jones
Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de
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Carvalho, Sueli Galego de
Lowenthal, Rosane
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
The present paper aims to analyze the academic performance in the Evaluation System of the State of São Paulo (SARESP) in 2012, taken by students of State Schools of São Paulo, in order to search associations between academic performance and families social-economic aspects. The research had a total of 85,280 students of 3rd and 5th grades from Elementary School and two database provided by Education Secretary of São Paulo: (i) individual results of SARESP exams; (ii) student s social-economic profile: students and families social-economic and cultural data. The results showed good performance from students and identified several factors that contributed to that. Parents involvement was an aspect that proved to be statistically associated to a better school performance, such as attending school meetings, being in touch with teachers to know about their sons achievements, helping their children find a place to study at home, among others. The research has also showed that schools with better performance were the ones that (i) included parents in the academic process, (ii) valued parents presence in the process, and (iii) had better facilities and human resources. Finally it was possible to conclude that students attitude towards their responsibility in studying at home is also associated statistically to a good performance. This way we can conclude that school and family are the key to the students educational and social process, contributing to their academic improvement. We also state that SARESP large-scale evaluation is an important tool to identify and reflect on the reality of Brazilian education.
desempenho acadêmico , perfil socioeconômico , família , avaliação , Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP) , academic performance , social-economic profile , family , evaluation , SARESP
Assuntos Scopus
ARRUDA, Zoraide Jones. Associação entre desempenho acadêmico no SARESP e fatores familiares e socioeconômicos dos alunos do ensino fundamental I das escolas estaduais de São Paulo. 2014. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2014.