A reprodução assistida homóloga post mortem e seus reflexos no direito sucessório
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Moraes, Maria Paula Brandão Ferreira de
Aguirre, João Ricardo Brandão
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O presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar as técnicas de reprodução humana
assistida, dando atenção especial à fecundação artificial homóloga post mortem, a fim de
verificar as consequências que essa técnica traz ao direito sucessório. Serão abordados,
primeiramente, as principais técnicas de reprodução assistida e o caso que foi considerado como
o marco das discussões acerca da possibilidade de se realizar a fecundação artificial homóloga
após a morte de um dos genitores. O trabalho também estudará os princípios constitucionais
que cercam esse tema e, posteriormente, seus reflexos no Direito de Família, destacando a
questão da presunção de paternidade prevista no Código Civil de 2002. Por fim, será discutido
o direito sucessório do filho resultante de fecundação artificial homóloga post mortem, bem
como o projeto de lei que busca regular a aplicação e a utilização das técnicas de reprodução
assistida e seus efeitos nas relações civis sociais.
This article aims to analyze the techniques of assisted human reproduction, paying special attention to the homologous artificial fertilization post mortem, in order to verify the consequences that this technique brings to the right of succession. First, the main assisted reproduction techniques and the case that was considered as the landmark of the discussions about the possibility of carrying out homologous artificial insemination after the death of one of the parents will be addressed. The work will also study the constitutional principles that surround this theme and, later, its reflexes in Family Law, highlighting the question of the presumption of paternity provided for in the Civil Code of 2002. Finally, the right of the child resulting from homologous post mortem artificial fertilization will be discussed., as well as the bill that seeks to regulate the application and use of assisted reproduction techniques and their effects on social civil relations.
This article aims to analyze the techniques of assisted human reproduction, paying special attention to the homologous artificial fertilization post mortem, in order to verify the consequences that this technique brings to the right of succession. First, the main assisted reproduction techniques and the case that was considered as the landmark of the discussions about the possibility of carrying out homologous artificial insemination after the death of one of the parents will be addressed. The work will also study the constitutional principles that surround this theme and, later, its reflexes in Family Law, highlighting the question of the presumption of paternity provided for in the Civil Code of 2002. Finally, the right of the child resulting from homologous post mortem artificial fertilization will be discussed., as well as the bill that seeks to regulate the application and use of assisted reproduction techniques and their effects on social civil relations.
reprodução humana assistida , fecundação artificial homóloga post mortem , presunção de paternidade , assisted human reproduction , homologous artificial fertilization post mortem , presumption of paternity