Incidente de desconsideração da personalidade jurídica: aplicabilidade para as reclamações trabalhistas antes e depois da Reforma Trabalhista (Lei n° 13.467/17)
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Mansano, João Marcos do Amaral Genta
Zimmermann Neto, Carlos Frederico
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No ordenamento jurídico vigente, o legislador procurou alcançar métodos
eficientes de responsabilização dos inadimplentes, seja em questões no âmbito do
Direito Civil, como a responsabilidade civil, seja em outros campos, como no âmbito do
Direito do Trabalho. Neste intuito de buscar o efetivo cumprimento das obrigações
inerentes ao inadimplemento, tal como o crédito trabalhista, o legislador criou a figura
da intervenção de terceiros no Código de Processo Civil e trouxe sua aplicabilidade
supletiva e subsidiária na seara do Direito do Trabalho, resultando assim, mais
especificamente, na desconsideração a personalidade jurídica das empresas e pessoas
jurídicas de Direito privado para enfim concretizar o resguardo do crédito e deste modo,
responsabilizar o inadimplemente. Pode-se observar que o instituto, ora incidente, leva a
grandes consequências, bem como traz também questões subsidiárias, tal como a
desconsideração da personalidade jurídica inversa.
In the current Juridical Order, the legislator sought to achieve efficient methods of accountability of the defaulters, whether in matters within the scope of Civil Law, such as civil liability, or in other fields of the Legal Order in force, and more specifically within the scope of Labor Law. In order to seek the effective fulfillment of the obligations inherent to the default, such as labor credit, the legislator created the figure of the intervention of third parties in the Code of Civil Procedure and brought its supplementary and subsidiary applicability in the labor law database, more specifically, in disregarding the legal personality of companies and legal entities under private law, in order to concretize the protection of credit and, finally, the liability inherent in default. It can be observed that the institute, sometimes incidental, leads to great consequences, as well as, it also brings subsidiary issues, such as the disregard of the inverse juridical personality.
In the current Juridical Order, the legislator sought to achieve efficient methods of accountability of the defaulters, whether in matters within the scope of Civil Law, such as civil liability, or in other fields of the Legal Order in force, and more specifically within the scope of Labor Law. In order to seek the effective fulfillment of the obligations inherent to the default, such as labor credit, the legislator created the figure of the intervention of third parties in the Code of Civil Procedure and brought its supplementary and subsidiary applicability in the labor law database, more specifically, in disregarding the legal personality of companies and legal entities under private law, in order to concretize the protection of credit and, finally, the liability inherent in default. It can be observed that the institute, sometimes incidental, leads to great consequences, as well as, it also brings subsidiary issues, such as the disregard of the inverse juridical personality.
ordenamento jurídico vigente , direito do trabalho , incidente , desconsideração da personalidade jurídica , figura da intervenção de terceiros , métodos eficientes de responsabilização dos inadimplentes , current legal order , labor law , institute , incident , disregard of legal personality , figure of the intervention of third parties , efficient methods of accountability of defaulters