Sistema carcerário feminino: uma terra de ninguém
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Silveira, Tayná Medeiros
Paieiro, Denise
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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresenta relatos de mulheres que contam suas
experiências enquanto presidiárias e egressas, para que seja possível refletir criticamente, de
que forma o sistema carcerário interfere na vida delas e reflete na sociedade como um todo.
Mostrar qual a finalidade do sistema penitenciário e se cumpre com seu objetivo proposto.
No trabalho, foram ouvidas especialistas que atuam diretamente com questões de
direitos humanos, sociedade, gênero e raça. Como essas diferenças implicam e quais
oportunidades (ou falta delas) que uma pessoa terá, de acordo com sua vivência em um
sistema desigual.
É mostrado um “perfil” de mulheres que compõe em maior parte a população
carcerária, a predominancia em idade, etnia, classe social, escolaridade e os timos de crimes
Foram abordadas pautas sobre o dia a dia no cárcere, como violência, higiene,
maternidade, liberdade sexual, trabalho e saúde. Questões de resocialização também foram
levantadas, como a dificuldade de conseguir trabalho, abandon familiar, a facilidade de ser
reincidente e o preconceito com que são tratadas.
This Course Conclusion Paper presents reports of women who tell their experiences as prisoners and graduates, so that it is possible to reflect critically on how the prison system interferes with their lives and reflects on society as a whole. Show what the purpose of the penitentiary system is and if it fulfills its proposed objective. At work, specialists were heard who deal directly with issues of human rights, society, gender and race. How these differences imply and what opportunities (or lack thereof) that a person will have, according to their experience in an unequal system. It shows a "profile" of women that makes up the majority of the prison population, the predominance in age, ethnicity, social class, schooling and the crimes committed. Guidelines on day-to-day prison life, such as violence, hygiene, maternity, sexual freedom, work and health, were discussed. Issues of re-socialization have also been raised, such as the difficulty of finding work, abandoning the family, the ease of being recidivist and the prejudice with which they are treated.
This Course Conclusion Paper presents reports of women who tell their experiences as prisoners and graduates, so that it is possible to reflect critically on how the prison system interferes with their lives and reflects on society as a whole. Show what the purpose of the penitentiary system is and if it fulfills its proposed objective. At work, specialists were heard who deal directly with issues of human rights, society, gender and race. How these differences imply and what opportunities (or lack thereof) that a person will have, according to their experience in an unequal system. It shows a "profile" of women that makes up the majority of the prison population, the predominance in age, ethnicity, social class, schooling and the crimes committed. Guidelines on day-to-day prison life, such as violence, hygiene, maternity, sexual freedom, work and health, were discussed. Issues of re-socialization have also been raised, such as the difficulty of finding work, abandoning the family, the ease of being recidivist and the prejudice with which they are treated.
sistema carcerário feminino , jornalismo , mulheres , São Paulo , female prison system , journalism , women , São Paulo