O acesso à saúde e a figura do consumidor-idoso: análise do tema 381 do STF
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Oliveira, Isabela Santos
Pierdoná, Zélia Luiza
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Embora a saúde tenha sido tratada como direito somente com a Constituição de 1988, uma vida
digna, de bem-estar e de qualidade é fundamental para a concretização do princípio da
dignidade da pessoa humana. Nesse contexto, a saúde é dividida em dois subsistemas, o sistema
público de saúde (por meio do SUS), e o subsistema privado, no qual se encontra o campo da
saúde suplementar. Com o crescimento de beneficiários de planos de saúde ao longo dos
últimos anos, e do aumento do número de pessoas idosas no Brasil e no mundo, há inegável
importância do setor privado para o acesso à saúde, que deve, porém, considerar a
sustentabilidade da saúde suplementar como atividade econômica. No presente trabalho, será
feita uma discussão, com base em análise teórica e jurisprudencial, sobre a possibilidade de
aplicação do Estatuto do Idoso a contratos de planos de saúde firmados antes de sua vigência,
questão essa abordada no Tema 381 do Supremo Tribunal Federal, ainda não julgado. Serão
apresentados os argumentos favoráveis e contrários à aplicação do mencionado Estatuto.
Although health has only been treated as a right with the 1988 Constitution, a dignified life, well-being, and quality are fundamental for the realization of the principle of human dignity. In this context, health is divided into two systems, the public health system (through SUS), and the private subsystem, where the supplementary health field is located. With the growth of health plan beneficiaries over the past years, and the increase in the number of elderly people in Brazil and worldwide, the importance of the private sector for access to health care is undeniable, although it must consider the sustainability of supplementary health as an economic activity. In this paper, a discussion will be held, based on theoretical and jurisprudential analysis, regarding the possibility of applying the Elderly Statute to health insurance contracts entered into before its enactment, a question addressed in Theme 381 of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court, which is still pending judgment. Both favorable and opposing arguments to the application of the mentioned Statute will be presented.
Although health has only been treated as a right with the 1988 Constitution, a dignified life, well-being, and quality are fundamental for the realization of the principle of human dignity. In this context, health is divided into two systems, the public health system (through SUS), and the private subsystem, where the supplementary health field is located. With the growth of health plan beneficiaries over the past years, and the increase in the number of elderly people in Brazil and worldwide, the importance of the private sector for access to health care is undeniable, although it must consider the sustainability of supplementary health as an economic activity. In this paper, a discussion will be held, based on theoretical and jurisprudential analysis, regarding the possibility of applying the Elderly Statute to health insurance contracts entered into before its enactment, a question addressed in Theme 381 of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court, which is still pending judgment. Both favorable and opposing arguments to the application of the mentioned Statute will be presented.
direito à saúde , pessoa idosa , saúde suplementar , reajuste , right to health , elderly person , supplementary health , adjustment